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热度 1 2012-2-1 17:47
Man has great potiental to exploit. If hepersists in going ahead towards his goal, he can one day realize at least part of his dream. But many peoplethink success only belongs to others. Some stop making efforts after they meetfrustration,or whenthey&nb ...
个人分类: 社会杂谈|2804 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 1
热度 4 2012-1-30 17:45
个人分类: Around World|5580 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 4
Wish everyone a bright and prosperous 2012
2012-1-3 10:50
Wish everyone a bright and prosperous 2012
Step into the new year in a strong andpositive self-image! Face life and work in an active and positive attitude!
个人分类: Life and Fun|2816 次阅读|2 个评论
The difference between "We are agreed" and "We agreed"
2011-12-30 18:19
Question: What is the difference between"we are agreed" and "we agreed"? Answer One : One shows a current state that two people are in agreement (now). The other one refers to the past, you might not agree an ...
个人分类: languages|3329 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 2011-12-29 18:19
JMS-How torespondto reviewer’s comments--An example Generally, most manuscripts need revision before they are formally published. Authors are usually required to respond to each item of remark (comment) and revision suggestion in a separate document, and mark the re ...
个人分类: JMS信息|5493 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 2
北京的冬景 VS 成都的冬景
热度 3 2011-12-27 16:33
北京的冬景 VS 成都的冬景
During winter season, Beijing seems to have nothing to see, only the bare trees, tall buildings andsparse people walking in fast steps in the chilly wind. However, one day, when I walked out of the building and raised my head to see those bare trees, I found their beauty under the grey s ...
个人分类: Around World|4396 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 3
热度 2 2011-11-29 10:53
Jobs'letter to his wife has won many people's praise.There are thousands of Chinese translation versions. Here Ialso want totranslate it into Chinese in my own understanding and style. I imagine when Jobsrecalledtheirmarriage life,hewants to present it as i ...
个人分类: 翻译实践|5425 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
2011-11-23 18:01
Those who can call your full name directly 也许人们感觉对其他人直呼其名不太礼貌,因此,如果你是某某领导(可能只是一个不大不小的领导),其它人会叫你XX长、X主任、X主席、X总、X经理;如果这些都不是,那就X教授、X老师、X师傅,等等。 这个社会,还有多少人直呼你的名字呢? 那 ...
个人分类: 社会杂谈|3796 次阅读|没有评论
我对乔布斯"Stay Hungry"的理解
2011-11-3 09:59
我对乔布斯"Stay Hungry"的理解
  有人把乔布斯的Stay hungry, Stay foolish 翻译成"求知如渴, 大智若愚", 好像并无不妥。但是,这个翻译只是想从中文的成语中找两个对应的词,为了朗朗上口而已。乔布斯所说的“Stay hungry” 除了是对知识的追求要始终保持一种饥饿状态以外,应该还包括其它很多方面,如生活上、情感上、财 ...
个人分类: 社会杂谈|4162 次阅读|没有评论

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