
读Taylor & Francis 数据库资源推介有感
邱敦莲 2016-6-14 10:46
今天从邮件中读到Taylor Francis 的特色资源数据库的推介信息,有几点感想。 该推荐信息有以下特点: 1.醒目的标题--嘘,这是个秘密!– 全新产品登场! 2. 简要而极引人的推介:2013年,Taylor Francis 推出了南亚研究回溯数据库( South Asia Archive )。这一汇集了南亚研究基金会(SARF)海量原 ...
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邱敦莲 2016-3-7 19:26
春暖花开的季节,万物复苏,鲜花盛开,我市三环外三圣乡踏青赏花的人流如潮。 电视中,春天的盛会在北京召开,人民大会堂外也是人流如织。 彩色仙人掌 菊花 仙客来 仙客来 仙客来 大花惠兰 大花惠兰 君子兰 红掌 天堂鸟 猪笼草 在电视上看着和听着某些只能 ...
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邱敦莲 2015-6-26 19:48
这只是一个问题。用我这两天的经历来说说话: 想请CNKI将网站上Journal of Mountain Science 页面上的我要投稿加上我刊的投稿链接,昨天上午,我在CNKI网站的在线建议里面写出了详细的建议并加上了网页的链接,然后填上我的电话和邮箱。昨天下午,我收到了CNKI的邮件,告诉了我要联系的人员的电话号码, ...
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Various peeping means and some ways to antispy
邱敦莲 2015-1-19 22:47
W e can encounter various peep in our life, the most serious cases are on our mobile phones and our computers. In the recently shown TV series named Secret war on CCTV-1, one can see many different kinds of spy ing and antispy ing means and products. For example,cameras were instal ...
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will internet changes the country life in China?
邱敦莲 2014-12-29 17:41
The countryside is usually remote and backward. Nowadays, the youngsters from rural areas don't want to stay in the countryside because it is not convenient for them to access to internet and to the city life. If it's easy to access to internet, will the youngsters like to live in th ...
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邱敦莲 2014-7-24 11:26
一位在海外从事农业技术推广的大学同学对他家乡的一篇新闻中报道的稻-渔-果立体农业种养模式非常关注,想了解一下这篇新闻报道中所说的稻-渔-果模式是怎样一种模式, 更希望能够了解具体技术细节, 但通过搜索后发现了好几篇类似的报道, 却没有具体的技术方面的阐述. 作为一名长期从事信息检索的科研人 ...
个人分类: 社会杂谈|2858 次阅读|2 个评论
New Year Resolution
邱敦莲 2014-1-2 09:20
This is the second day of the 2014. Many people make resolutions at the beginning of a new year, such as, get up immediately after wakeup, lose weight, exercise more, stay more with our family, establish sound relationship with some peope, write and publish papers or books, travel around the wo ...
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