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作者署名问题 About authorship

已有 6575 次阅读 2014-5-22 18:36 |个人分类:科技写作|系统分类:论文交流| 作者署名, authorship


The cartoon is from the internet. 图片来自网络。虽然内容有些夸张,但是却说明作者署名问题不是一个简单的问题。


The cartoon is from the internet. 图片来自网络。说明有些不该作为作者的人被列入了作者中。




1.   通讯作者无法回应审稿人的意见.

This seems to be a very common phenomenon in China. Generallly, the Ph D or graduate students' supervisors are "arrranged" as the corresponding authors, but some of them possibly didn't contribute to the paper, thus they cann't respond the reviewers' comments.

2. 稿件修改后增加作者或者减少作者,或者修改作者排名。如果稿件修改后增加了新的内容,研究内容可能涉及以前没有列入作者名单中的研究人员,这种情况是可以的,同理,稿件修改后,删除了文章中的部分内容,正好这部分内容是初稿中的某位作者做的,随着这部分内容的删去,也相应地删去这位作者。但通讯作者必须提供证明,并且要得到被删除作者的书面同意。但是文章接收以后无论如何均不能再增减作者和改变作者顺序。

3.   一篇试验设计相对比较简单的文章有很多作者。有可能是作者互助吧,我在我的文章里署你们的名字,在你们的文章里也署上我的名字。这样,每个人发表文章的篇数都增加了!你好我好大家好!

4.  研究内容需要多人参与才可能完成的文章却只有一位署名作者。故意忽略其它人的贡献还是有可能伪造数据不希望牵涉到更多人?

5.  被署名人不知情。Usually a senior researcher or well-known scientist is included in the author list to increase the credit of the paper。因此,期刊必须制定相应的规则,要求投稿的时候提交所有作者同意投稿的签名信, 并且附上所有作者的邮箱(一般在Cover letter里面签名)。可以在在线系统里面进行设置,系统收到稿件后自动向所有作者发送投稿成功的信息。

6.  几篇研究内容相似的论文采用不同的作者署名并分别在不同的期刊上发表。现在有了论文防抄袭检测系统,如果有些文章已经发表的话,是会检测出来的。

7.  提供资金资助的公司却没有人在作者列表中出现。(在医学领域可能更容易出现)


针对这些问题,Journal of Mountain Science 拟在Guide to Authors 中对作者署名的问题进行单列。


Authorship of articles is hugely important in academic careers as it is used to measure research productivity and as the basis for decisions on appointments, promotions, tenure and funding.

The authorship of academic papers should reflect who did the work. Papers submitted to the JMS should follow these rules:

1.      A person who has not made a sufficient contribution to the work should not be included in the authors.

2.      A person who has contributed substantially should be included in the authors.

3.      A corresponding author should be assigned for each paper. The first author will be taken as the corresponding author when no corresponding author is assigned.

4.      All authors must sign to consent the submission. The cover letter with signature of all authors is required when the manuscript is submitted.  

5.      The author list and the author sequence should be fixed before submission. Email addresses for all authors must be provided. Once it is submitted, it is not advisable to be altered unless the corresponding author clarifies reasons about the change to the JMS editorial office (when new contents are added after major revision, the addition of new author is permitted). If an author's name is dropped in the revision, the dropped author should write to the JMS editorial office that he agrees his name be removed from the author list.

      Once an authorship dispute arises before publication, the process should be halted until the dispute is resolved.  


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