Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor



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IP: 183.187.145.*   [57]罗广营   2013-8-3 17:10
Maternal Bisphenol A Diet Exacerbates Anxiety-like Behavior in Adolescent in Respond to miR-132/Acetylcholinesterase Regulated Neuroimmune Activation
Pubertal Exposure to Bisphenol A Increases Social Anxiety in Adult Male Mice: Possible Involvement of Neurotrophins
祝 快乐!
我的回复(2013-8-4 02:56):I can edit your abstract, but not the whole paper. Why don't you try liwenbianji?
IP: 113.93.105.*   [56]shakespearevo   2013-7-30 09:04
Thank you so much!I hope that you should build a good sleep habit for your health!
經虞老師這麼一說,我覺得這些句子可以說的通了。但是,作者(Good)應該並不是造了個詞給“sigma”,而是造了個詞給“sigmage”(同時,這裡應該指“sigmage”=9.5,而不是"sigma=9.5.",但應該如虞老師所說:The key is "I call that a 'sigmage' of 9.5."-----我一直不明白這裡的意思,特別是“of”)。一開始我應該將引文寫長點-------

This P value corresponds to a bulge above 'chance' expectation of 9.5 sigma, where sigma is the standard deviation. (I call that a 'sigmage' of 9.5.)

因此,Good將“sigmage”=9.5,而聯繫上下文(9.5 sigma),這裡的9.5 sigma指的是統計學中的z值(z value or z score), 即z值=9.5,因此,Good將“sigmage”=z值,因此上次提到的3處sigmage看作z值應該就說得通了。其實,查不到“sigmage”這個單詞,一開始我以為"sigma"="sigmage", 以致一直看不明白。Good真不該耍這個小聰明啊!


J Good 对“the conscious universe” 的批评发表在nature上,应该算是比较有分量的反对意见,但是他沒有參考相應文獻【而對方應該是根據論文(the "file drawer problem" and tolerance for null results)的公式算出來的】,沒有根據地说“File drawer factor",使得批评无效,更為有趣的是,即使按照他的算法,p值(the bulge would be unaffected so the sigmage would be divided by sqrt (16 ) = 4 and would become 9.5/4 = 2.4 with a P value of about 1/100.----實質上z值為9.5/4=2.375,那麼對應的p值實質上等於0.008774475<0.01=1/100)也是低于0.01的,另一个例子研究中他算出的p值(1/9000=0.0001111111
我的回复(2013-7-30 10:23):The word "of" can mean "=."

For example, I can write "The average hours of sleep are about eight for me." It's the same as "I usually have a good night sleep of eight hours." In the latter, "a good night of sleep" equals "eight hours" for me.
IP: 113.93.108.*   [55]shakespearevo   2013-7-28 21:07

關於I J Good在Nature的書評(,

a 'sigmage' of 9.5(摘自:I call that a 'sigmage' of 9.5.)是什麼意思?是指一個sigmage屬於9.5個sigmage這個大家庭裡面的一員?

對於“the sigmage would be divided by sqrt (16 ) = 4 and would become 9.5/4 = 2.4”-----這裡的sigmage是可以指Standard Deviation, 因此

the sigmage would be divided by sqrt (16 ) = 4



and would become 9.5/4 = 2.4




The expected sigmage in the file drawer, under the null hypothesis, would be slightly negative but I will call it zero.

我的回复(2013-7-29 03:01):"I call that a 'sigmage' of 9.5." is the same as "sigma=9.5."

The author just made up a "name" for sigma.
我的回复(2013-7-29 02:59):The key is "I call that a 'sigmage' of 9.5."
IP: 117.141.119.*   [54]Femascot   2013-6-24 15:40
I linsist to read dictionary for more than six years! Almostly  everyday do it,I take dictionary as a  interesting way of  communication between  the En and the Ch,and you?
我的回复(2013-7-14 06:30):Now, I read stories and news.
我的回复(2013-6-24 16:13):No, I read news and magazines when I have time. I use dictionary online only when I need help with a new word.
IP: 75.39.97.*   [53]余昕   2013-6-17 08:37
Nice picture! Love it!  
我的回复(2013-6-17 16:24):Now, you have to add 11 years to that!
IP: 72.253.204.*   [52]虞左俊   2013-6-14 15:37
Ten years can do a lot to a person...
IP: 117.32.153.*   [51]neophyte   2013-5-13 10:50
我的回复(2013-5-13 11:00):Sorry. Thanks for catching the mistake.
IP: 219.142.99.*   [50]张选泽   2013-5-7 15:17
我的回复(2013-5-7 15:37):Thank you.
IP: 1.24.29.*   [49]白图格吉扎布   2013-4-6 19:59
批评,指正。  不胜感谢。
IP: 72.253.204.*   [48]虞左俊   2013-2-11 04:18
Happy Chinese New Year!
IP: 202.104.247.*   [47]刘鹏   2012-9-14 19:40
Hi,Professor Yu,first thank you for your wonderful lecture,I'm Shan Tou university student,I hope you have a happy vocation at here!And if I have problems may I ask you ?
___Liu Peng.
我的回复(2012-9-14 21:01):I am not a professor, and I am not here on vacation. I will leave Shantou tomorrow morning, but you may email me.
IP: 168.160.23.*   [46]袁军鹏   2012-9-10 15:35
无私助人传佳话 - 为虞左俊博士叫好!
我的回复(2012-9-10 20:22):OMG. I wish this Blog were hidden.
IP: 222.219.184.*   [45]fansg   2012-7-13 09:46
科学网—“逃离”中科院 - 李刚的博文
IP: 128.171.156.*   [44]虞左俊   2012-6-6 09:35
June 5th, 2012: transit of venus
IP: 59.42.176.*   [43]唐才明   2012-5-4 18:49
My friend, I know you are in China now. Why not stop by Guangzhou to meet some of your old friends and new friends? :)
我的回复(2012-5-4 20:39):Not this time, because I don't have much vacation time and have to work during this trip.
IP: 210.34.7.*   [42]刘志宇   2012-4-27 17:52
For me, this is one of the most important things that I have learnt from native English scientists. All others are mostly common sense.
我的回复(2012-4-27 20:34):  
IP: 210.34.7.*   [41]刘志宇   2012-4-27 17:50
IP: 210.34.7.*   [40]刘志宇   2012-4-27 17:49
Miles (1967) showed that flows in which the velocity and density both decrease

exponentially at the same rate with distance from a horizontal boundary are stable at all positive values of Richardson number; Ric is equal to zero.
IP: 64.203.30.*   [39]虞左俊   2012-3-18 02:19
I left my contact info as 留言. I hope you get it.

I will be in Beijing in mid May. Maybe we can meet?

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