
波多黎各, 我为你悲哀
虞左俊 2015-7-9 05:12
如果你问你的美国朋友:知道希腊的事吗?大多数人会哼哼哈哈地说,好像跟“债”有关。你再问:知道 波多黎各 的事吗? 大多 数 人会毫不犹豫地回答:没有。 Generally, no news is good news, but not in this case! 如果你Google Puerto Rico,你会看到关于她的 许多 (英文) ...
个人分类: From the U.S.|3130 次阅读|没有评论
"The future is invisible"
虞左俊 2015-7-6 15:32
for Greece: http://www.npr.org/2015/07/05/420345171/after-rejecting-bailout-plan-greeces-economic-future-is-invisible and may be for Chinese stock market as well?
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2216 次阅读|没有评论
Personal Space in the US
虞左俊 2015-6-28 08:25
The NPR story below reminds me of my many blunders in the US, at the very beginning, along the way, and even today. Many times, one should be able to learn things quickly when he/she is in a new country, if he/she observes others. But, what do you do when you go to a country where personal spac ...
个人分类: I Love NPR|2487 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 虞左俊 2015-5-13 03:41
苹果6刚刚出来时,中国人对它的热情在网媒上天天占首页。正好我要回中国,临时决定买一个玩。结果比较痛苦:新机启动过程出了问题,电话功能没了。(有人找我找不到,急得跳脚。) 慢慢地,我喜欢上了这玩意。最多用的功能,当然是微信。微信可能是贴“寻人启事”最好的地方。 一周前,朋友们开始抱怨,说我 ...
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2862 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
虞左俊 2015-5-12 03:27
对不起,还是用英文比较尽义。 Spalling repair is necessary pain, to remove loose concrete from an old apartment building. When I saw the notice last Thursday afternoon about the workmen moving to the floor below me, I was so happy: my floor is DONE (for now). So, I stayed at home on ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2341 次阅读|没有评论
May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii (夏威夷也庆祝五一)
虞左俊 2015-5-3 04:54
终于又在檀香山过“五一”了,又可以享受Lei Day了。 在微信上看到国内过“五一”非常热闹。至少,微信群里非常热闹。跟中国的“五一”不一样,这里的上班族依然得上班。我本来有点担心停车,事实上我过虑了。这是第88届May Day庆祝活动,檀香山的市长和很多他的虾兵蟹将都到场了。这,好像有点不公平:市政府不放 ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2583 次阅读|没有评论
When the East meets the West
热度 1 虞左俊 2015-3-21 07:36
I thought my English was pretty good, but not that good. Having a chit-chat this morning with my son, a college senior, he called me social butterfly. I was not upset, even though I thought it meant 交际花 in Chinese. So, I explained what it meant to Chinese and asked him not to use i ...
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3532 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
昨天,见识了什么叫 迷信权威
热度 8 虞左俊 2015-2-13 19:05
为了听这个报告,我牺牲了瑜伽课。一般来说,我喜欢早到,在最后一排坐下。如果演讲人10分钟没能打动我,我就溜了。 昨天的会场,几乎客满。10分钟过去了,我觉得 演讲人在浪费我的时间。但是,我没有开溜。因为,黑压压的一片人头,还有院士在内。我告诉自己:好戏一定在后面呢! 我非常有耐心,一直在 ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|5934 次阅读|15 个评论 热度 8

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