
Getting driver’s license renewed in Honolulu can be a pain
虞左俊 2018-3-4 12:39
No need to read unless you need to renew your driver's license in Honolulu. Each driver in Honolulu receives a postcard from the city and county about what he needs to bring (3-4 documents to prove you are a legal resident) to get his license renewed. You know it’s going to take more ti ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2505 次阅读|没有评论
“这不是演习!”弹道导弹警报惊动了夏威夷(带 翻译狗 上路)
虞左俊 2018-1-14 05:58
Author's note: Google Translate, this is NOT a DRILL! 作者注解:咕🐶,这个drill不是 钻头! 'This Is Not A Drill': A False Ballistic Missile AlertShakes Hawaii GT: “这不是一个钻头”:一个虚假的弹道导弹警报震动夏威夷 Mine: “这不是演习!”:一个虚假 ...
个人分类: From the U.S.|3206 次阅读|2 个评论
Final days of some old people in Hawaii
虞左俊 2017-6-5 15:42
(有空时翻译成中文) Final days of some old people in Hawaii C’s mom was as graceful as anyone I have ever met, who had her hair done and dressed in muumuu when inviting people to dine out. We were fortunate to join her family on all major US holidays. Before that, I never celebrate ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|3426 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 虞左俊 2017-2-15 05:58
原文: http://www.nature.com/news/brexit-vote-drives-uk-academics-to-think-about-leaving-1.21259 Brexitvote drives UK academics to think about leaving Brexit 投票 结 果 驱 使英国学者 们 考 虑 离开(英国) Manyresearchers also object to proposed higher-education reforms, say ...
个人分类: My Research Interests|4921 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
虞左俊 2017-2-1 04:51
http://washington.providence.org/senior-care/mount-st-vincent/services/child-care/ 多好的主意啊!
个人分类: From the U.S.|3198 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 虞左俊 2017-1-25 02:01
1月1日,我常常担心的事还是发生了:$300被ATM“吃了”(或者说,没有“吐“出来)。 因为用的是ICBC的银行卡,我当时觉得这事只能自认倒霉。 给(夏威夷的)ATM热线打电话,被告知:找你的银行。我觉得:是ATM没有“吐”钱,摄像头应该有记录,所以,设ATM的银行应该负责解决“吃款”问题。于是,我告诉自己:就 ...
个人分类: 中文博客|2991 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
认知气候工程(带 谷歌翻译狗上路)
热度 1 虞左俊 2017-1-14 04:12
Understanding How Climate Engineering Can Offset Climate Change Google Translate (GT): 了解气候工程如何抵消气候变化 Mine: 认知气候工程是怎样抵消气候变化的 Sixth Meeting of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project; Oslo, Norway, 21–22 June 2016 ...
个人分类: Scientific Translation|4120 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Google Translate (Google 翻译)
虞左俊 2017-1-9 14:53
感谢人民政府,大陆的老百姓可以用Google 翻译。 Tomorrow will be a better day!
个人分类: Scientific Translation|5862 次阅读|没有评论
将卫星数据转换成天气预报 (EOS of AGU/带 谷歌翻译狗 上路)
虞左俊 2017-1-7 03:54
Transforming Satellite Data into Weather Forecasts Google translate: 将卫星数据转换成天气预报 A NASA project spansthe gap between research and operations, introducing new composites ofsatellite imagery to weather forecasters to prepare for the next generation ofsatellites. G ...
个人分类: Scientific Translation|3432 次阅读|没有评论

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