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已有 8066 次阅读 2016-6-12 16:42 |个人分类:妙药人参|系统分类:科普集锦| style, center



中国是植物人参的原产国。人参的植物学名称为:Panax Ginseng C.A. Mey,由俄罗斯植物学家C. A. Meyer1843命名的。人参的拉丁名Panax为希腊语panaxos的组合词,pan是“所有”“全部”的意思,axos是“治疗”的意思,所以Panax有“治疗所有病症”、“万能药”和“灵丹妙药”之意。

人参的中药材英文名称为:Radix Ginseng;汉语拼音为:Ren Shen;中国大陆中文简体写作:人参;港澳台及东南亚中文繁体写作:“人蔘”;我国古代文献中将人参写作“人参”、“人叅”或“眞参”等。


About Ginseng’s Names

Ginseng is known as the “king of all herbs”, which is famous in the world among the young and old. Ginseng was named first in China, probablybecause of the comparatively thick and spindle-shaped often divergent roots, whichis just like the shape of human’s head, hands and feet.

China is the origin place of Ginseng plant. The botanicalname of Ginseng is Panax Ginseng C.A. Meyer, which was named by the Russianbotanist C. A. Meyer in 1843. In this name, “Panax” is a combination of Greek words “pan”and “axos”, in which “pan” means “all” and “axos” means “treatment” so “Panax”means “treating for all illnesses” or “panacea”.

The English name of Chinese herbal medicine Ginseng is RadixGinseng, while the Chinese Pinyin name of it is Ren Shen.

The application history of Ginseng in China has lasted for 4000 years. In ancient China,Ginseng has already got many aliases and nicknames. In Manchu language, the name of Ginseng also means “king of all herbs”.


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