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Astroconda–IRAF install

已有 3458 次阅读 2019-5-28 10:28 |个人分类:LINUX&IRAF|系统分类:科研笔记| astroconda, iraf, install, astroconda

Astroconda–IRAF install



===以下内容为自己  Mac 电脑配置的过程===

AnbingRens-MBP:~ abren$ source activate /Users/abren/anaconda3/envs/astroconda/

(astronconda) AnbingRens-MBP:~ abren$ which python


(astronconda) AnbingRens-MBP:~ abren$ ipython --matplotlib qt

Python 3.5.5 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Apr 26 2018, 08:11:22) 

Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information

IPython 6.4.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: quit  #退出

(astronconda) AnbingRens-MBP:~ abren$ conda deactivate #退出 astronconda 环境

AnbingRens-MBP:~ abren$ 

AnbingRens-MBP:~ abren$ source activate /Users/abren/anaconda3/envs/iraf27/

(iraf27) AnbingRens-MBP:~ abren$ mkdir iraf

mkdir: iraf: File exists

(iraf27) AnbingRens-MBP:~ abren$ cd iraf

(iraf27) AnbingRens-MBP:iraf abren$ mkiraf

Initialize uparm? (y|n): y

-- initializing uparm

Terminal types: xgterm,xterm,gterm,vt640,vt100,etc.

Enter terminal type [default xterm-256color]: xgterm

A new LOGIN.CL file has been created in the current directory.

You may wish to review and edit this file to change the defaults.

You may also add additional customizations to loginuser.cl

(iraf27) AnbingRens-MBP:iraf abren$ cl

setting terminal type to xgterm...

   NOAO/IRAF PC-IRAF Revision 2.16 EXPORT Thu May 24 15:41:17 MST 2012

      This is the EXPORT version of IRAF V2.16 supporting PC systems.

  Welcome to IRAF.  To list the available commands, type ? or ??.  To get

  detailed information about a command, type `help <command>'.  To run  a

  command  or  load  a  package,  type  its name.   Type  `bye' to exit a

  package, or `logout' to get out  of the CL.    Type `news' to find  out

  what is new in the version of the system you are using.  

  Visit http://iraf.net if you have questions or to report problems.

  The following commands or packages are currently defined:

  (Updated on 2013-12-13)

      adccdrom.   deitab.     images.     mtools.     softools.   upsqiid.

      cfh12k.     esowfi.     kepler.     nfextern.   sqiid.      utilities.

      cirred.     finder.     language.   noao.       stecf.      vo.

      ctio.       fitsutil.   lists.      obsolete.   stsdas.     xdimsum.

      cutoutpkg.  gemini.     mem0.       plot.       system.     xray.

      dataio.     gmisc.      mscdb.      proto.      tables.     

      dbms.       guiapps.    mscred.     rvsao.      ucsclris.   


 IRAF 在 xgterm 终端运行

(iraf27) AnbingRens-MBP:iraf abren$ xterm -fn 10x20 -sb&


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