
房松 2012-11-29 16:07
永州之野產異蛇:黑質而白章,觸草木盡死;以齧人,無禦之者。然得而腊之以為餌,可以已大風、攣踠、瘺癘,去死肌,殺三蟲。其始太醫以王命聚之,歲賦其二。募有能捕之者,當其租入。永之人爭奔走焉。 有蔣氏者,專其利三世矣。問之,則曰:「吾祖死於是,吾父死於是,今吾嗣為之十二年,幾死者數矣。」言之貌若甚戚者 ...
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中文經典誦讀:诸葛亮 《四論》
房松 2012-11-26 14:54
《论交》 势利之交,难以经远。士之相知,温不增华,寒不改叶,能四时而不衰,历险夷而益固。 《论光武》 曹植曰:“汉之二祖,俱起布衣。高祖阙于微细,光武知于礼德。高祖又鲜君子之风,溺儒冠,不可言敬。辟阳淫僻,与众共之。诗书礼乐,帝尧之所以为治也,而高祖轻之。济济多士,文王之所以获宁也,而高祖蔑之不用。 ...
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|2872 次阅读|没有评论
房松 2012-11-26 00:22
濟 公 聖 訓 一生都是修來的 —— 求什麼 今日不知明日事——愁什麼 不禮爹娘禮世尊 —— 敬什麼 兄弟姐妹皆同氣 —— 爭什麼 兒孫自有兒孫福 —— 懮什麼 豈可人無得運時——急什麼 人世難逢開口笑 —— 苦什麼 補破遮寒暖即休 —— 擺什麼 食過三寸成何 ...
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|2423 次阅读|没有评论
Selected English readings for recitation: Studs Terkel
房松 2012-11-26 00:19
For the many, there is a hardly concealed discontent. The blue-collar blues is no more bitterly sung than the white-collar moan. “I’m a machine,” says the spot-welder. “I’m caged,” says the bank teller, and echoes the hotel clerk. “I’m a mule,” says the steelwor ...
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|2020 次阅读|没有评论
Selected English readings for recitation: Alfred de Souza
房松 2012-11-24 23:08
“Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.” by Alfred de Souza
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|2024 次阅读|没有评论
#中文经典诵读# 《大禹谟》
房松 2012-11-14 15:43
  曰若稽古大禹,曰文命敷于四海,祗承于帝。曰:“后克艰厥后,臣克艰厥臣,政乃乂,黎民敏德。”   帝曰:“俞!允若兹,嘉言罔攸伏,野无遗贤,万邦咸宁。稽于众,舍己従人,不虐无告,不废困穷,惟帝时克。”   益曰:“都,帝德广运,乃圣乃神,乃武乃文。皇天眷命,奄有四海为天下君。” ...
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|2378 次阅读|没有评论
Selected English readings for recitation: Hippocratic Oath
房松 2012-11-9 14:51
English Translation, version 1 Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant: To hold him who has taught me this a ...
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|2297 次阅读|没有评论
中文誦讀經典:大醫精誠 孫思邈
房松 2012-11-9 14:48
張湛曰:“夫經方之難精,由來尚矣。”今病有內同而外異,亦有內異而外同,故五藏六腑之盈虛,血脈榮衛之通塞,固非耳目之所察,必先診候以審之。而寸口關尺,有浮沉弦緊之亂;俞穴流注,有高下淺深之差;肌膚筋骨,有厚薄剛柔之異。唯用心精微者,始可與言於此矣。今以至精至微之事,求之於至粗至淺這思,其不殆哉! ...
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|4433 次阅读|没有评论
房松 2012-10-31 15:44
曾子仕於莒,得粟三秉,方是之時,曾子重其祿而輕其身。親沒之後,齊迎以相,楚迎以令尹,晉迎以上卿,方是之時,曾子重其身而輕其祿。懷其寶而迷其國,不可與語仁。窘其身而約其親,不可與語孝。 任重道遠者,不擇地而息。 家貧親老者,不擇官而仕。故君子橋褐趨時,當務爲急。傳云:不逢時而仕,任事而敦其慮,爲之使而 ...
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|2827 次阅读|没有评论
Fragments of an interesting conversation with a post 90th
房松 2012-10-28 00:56
...Another thing worth mentioning is that I got to make some monk friends here. One of them is now studying in ..., and of course she no longer has hair! She was born in China, and grew up in the US, then got her bachelor's degree in architecture from ....After which she chose to become a monk, wh ...
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|2410 次阅读|没有评论

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