piezoMEMoirS分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/shenyuan6756 清谈误国 实学兴邦


piezoMEMoirS: Enhanced Visualization of Biopsy Needle
2015-6-22 16:32
Enhanced Visualization of Biopsy Needle using a MEMS Actuator Precise localization of needle tip is important for the biopsy. A mini actuator that radiates a low-intensity ultrasound burst was manufactured with MEMS technology. Interference between the radiated and diagnostic pulses was observe ...
个人分类: piezoMEMoirS|2968 次阅读|没有评论
piezoMEMoirS: Electromagnetic Bandgap Etructure
2015-6-18 22:30
Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure Containing High-k Dielectric Ceramics Electromagnetic bandgap structure (EBG) is an artificial dielectric composite, in which dielectric materials with high and low permittivities are periodically arranged in space. EBG can be rega ...
个人分类: piezoMEMoirS|3030 次阅读|没有评论
piezoMEMoirS: Wireless Accelerometer
2015-6-18 16:35
A Wireless Accelerometer Using Micromachined Piezoelectric Sensor Vibration monitoring is often carried out for machines fault diagnosis. The state of art vibration sensors are manually and repetitively installed, which causes inconsistency in the measurement results. The long cables, lar ...
个人分类: piezoMEMoirS|3713 次阅读|没有评论
piezoMEMoirS: Acoustic Transducer
2015-6-12 19:02
Acoustic Transducer Dimension of the in-plane poled piezoelectric diaphragm: electrode width=60 μ m; electrode spacing=250 μ m; radius=3.5 mm. The effective coupling coefficient is 3.08 %. The quality factor Q value is 39.96. Schematic diagram o ...
个人分类: piezoMEMoirS|2990 次阅读|没有评论
piezoMEMoirS:In-plane Poled Piezoelectric Diaphragm
2015-6-12 19:00
In-plane Poled Piezoelectric Diaphragm Double-sided spiral electrodes can generate an in-plane poling scheme. The diaphragm utilizes d 33 effect to generate the in-plane strain (thus a d 33 mode transducer ), which is converted to an out-of-plane displacement due to the constrai ...
个人分类: piezoMEMoirS|2763 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 2015-1-22 15:40
个人分类: 生活点滴|2819 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
工匠造诗——新荷叶 忆植物园
热度 1 2014-12-22 18:35
新荷叶 忆植物园 误入华林 去年相似曾经 如故鹅湖 锦鳞吞吐浮萍 警禽却步 问可是 昨岁鹡鸰 又闻槐下 鸣蝉领唱群蛉 抛却轮滑 儿童捉放蜻蜓 整顿婚纱 新人顾盼徐行 铜亭扫罢 叹春芳 老却园丁 & ...
个人分类: 工匠造诗|3787 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 2014-12-20 18:31
雪夜停林 停林忆主人 寄寓在红尘 雪履无怜顾 霜枝可默神 怯马意踟蹰 怅望无宅屋 湖寒脆树冷 岁晚黯天穆 倦马语铃铛 幽襟解未曾 金声空自问 白絮暂随风 可怜 林木 深 无奈诺言 惇 万里百年 恨 千山一梦 魂 Stopping by Woods on a ...
个人分类: 工匠造诗|2810 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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