

[J-2014] 镍基粉末高温合金切削加工表面白层形成热-力耦合作用
2014-10-17 20:47
机械工程学报, 2014 , 50 ( 17 ): 186-193 DOI:10.3901/JME.2014.06.001 镍基粉末高温合金切削加工表面白层形成热-力耦合作用机理 刘战强, 吕绍瑜 摘要:对镍基粉末高温合金FGH95 进行高速铣削加工试验,研究切削速度对FGH95 切削表面白层厚度的影响规律,利用 有限元对FGH95 高速铣削过 ...
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[J-2014] Investigations on the chip formation mechanism
2014-10-17 20:30
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology November 2014 , Volume 75 , Issue 5-8, pp 1065-1076 DOI 10.1007/s00170-014-6191-y Investigations on the chip formation mechanism and shear localization sensitivity of high-speed machining Ti6Al4V Bing Wang, Zhanqia ...
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热度 3 2014-8-8 11:13
贺艾兴院士从教六十五周年《艾兴学术论文选集》 后记 论文集封面颜色的涵义 红色(山大红):吉祥、喜气。代表山东大学 - 艾兴老师工作之地,并与出版单位 - 山东大学出版社呼应 黄色:辉煌。表示艾兴老师的学术业绩;师母的姓氏为黄,感谢师母对家庭的默默奉献和艾老师事业的支持。 ...
个人分类: [Others] 其他|3983 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 3
[J-2014] Subdivision of chatter-free regions and optimal cut
2014-7-26 18:36
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 83 (2014) 172–183 Subdivision of chatter - free regions and optimalcutting parameters based on vibration frequencies for peripheral milling process Qinghua Song, Ganggang Ju,ZhanqiangLiu, Xing Ai Considering the self-excited and fo ...
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[J-2014] Serrated chipformation mechanism based on mixed
2014-7-26 18:19
Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 2014, Vol. 228(2) 181–190 Serrated chipformation mechanism based on mixed mode of ductile fracture and adiabatic shear Bing Wang and Zhanqiang Liu Serrated chip is the frequent chip morphology duringhigh-speed machining of ...
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[J-2014] Influence of Chatter on Machining Distortion
2014-7-26 18:12
Advances in Mechanical Engineering Volume 2014, Article ID 329564, 7 pages Influence of Chatter on Machining Distortion for Thin-Walled Component Peripheral Milling Qinghua Song, Zhanqiang Liu, and Xing Ai In specific industrial appli ...
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[J-2014] Deformation phase transformation coupling mechanism
2014-7-26 18:07
Applied Surface Science 292 (2014) 197– 203 Deformation phase transformation coupling mechanism of white layer formation in high speed machining of FGH95 Ni-based superalloy Jin Du, Zhanqiang Liu∗, Shaoyu Lv Ni-based superalloy represents a significant metal port ...
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[J-2014] Chatter stability for micromilling processes with
2014-7-26 17:58
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:1159–1174 DOI 10.1007/s00170-013-5554-0 Chatter stability for micromilling processes with flat end mill Qinghua Song Zhanqiang Liu Zhenyu Shi A mechanistic model is developed to predict micromillingforces with flat end mill for both ...
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[J-2014]-Analytical modeling of adiabatic shear band spacing
2014-7-26 17:42
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:1901–1908 DOI 10.1007/s00170-014-5633-x Analytical modeling of adiabatic shear band spacing for serrated chip in high-speed machining Qibiao Yang Zhanqiang Liu Zhenyu Shi Bing Wang ...
个人分类: [Publications] 论文全文|2843 次阅读|没有评论
[J-2013] Machining deformation prediction for frame componen
2013-11-6 21:25
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 68:187–196 DOI 10.1007/s00170-012-4718-7 Machining deformation prediction for frame components considering multifactor coupling effects Z. T. Tang T. Yu L. Q. Xu Zhanqiang. Liu Abstract : The machining deformationprediction model was developed ...
个人分类: [Publications] 论文全文|3362 次阅读|没有评论

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