
Internal flow and External flow
张睿 2011-7-29 08:56
In fluid mechanics , internal flow is a flow for which the fluid is confined by a surface. Hence the boundary layer is unable to develop without eventually being constrained. The internal flow configuration represents a convenient geometry for heating and cooling fluids used in chemical pro ...
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Triple deck theory
张睿 2011-7-28 21:03
这里简单的搜索了下 triple deck theory ,查了点相关内容,这里记录以后,后用~ 《The handbook of fluid dynamics》 23 《Boundary-layer theory》8th P392 《Note on Triple Deck》: http://www.lmm.jussieu.fr/~lagree/COURS/CISM/TriplePont_CISM.pd ...
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Futureye---FEM, Inverse Problem, Adaptive FEM
张睿 2011-3-16 22:11
A Java based Finite Element Method (FEM) package, providing concise, natural and easy understanding interfaces, classes and programming styles for users who wish to develop researching and engineering FEM algorithms for Forward or Inverse Problems. http://code.google.com/p/futureye/
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