

how to know if a gene is a transcription factor?
热度 1 2023-3-25 11:01
To qualify as a transcription factor, a protein must possess two qualities. 1) Ability to bind to DNA and 2) recruit RNA polymerase/alter transcription of a gene. The most common GTFs are TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIID (see also TATA binding protein), TFIIE, TFIIF, and TFIIH . ...
1552 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
2023-3-22 23:13
2313 次阅读|没有评论
Keys questions about glaucoma
2023-3-22 02:57
1) How to take out the internal limiting membrane (ILM) in a mouse? Background: (ILM) is the basement membrane at the ocular vitreoretinal interface . While the ILM is essential for normal retinal development, it is dispensable in adulthood. Answer: It is possible in ...
758 次阅读|没有评论
HIF pathway compounds
2023-1-31 13:00
HIF激活剂:IOX2, CoCl2 HIF阻断剂:2-Me OE2
776 次阅读|没有评论
what is S-cone?
2023-1-12 06:56
Conventional trichromatic color vision models1 postulate that long- (L), middle- (M), and short-wavelength (S) cone signals reorganize into two color-opponent channels where L+S (red) and M (green) cone signals cancel each other, and L+M (yellow) and S (blue) cone signals cancel each other.
700 次阅读|2 个评论
Cell incubator component
2023-1-6 04:58
Cell incubator component 95% Air (in air, N2 78%, O2 21%, CO2 0.031%, inert gas 0.939% such as He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn) 5% CO2
584 次阅读|没有评论
the difference of RNase inhibitor and RNasin plus
2023-1-6 02:11
RNasin® Plus is Stable at Elevated Temperatures Certain cysteine residues present in human placental RNase inhibitor have been implicated in the oxidation sensitivity of that enzyme (1). RNasin® Plus RNase Inhibitor does not contain these cysteine residues, which makes it more res ...
674 次阅读|没有评论
Tween和Triton X-100去污剂的不同之处
2022-8-8 22:29
Tween (吐温) 简述:   吐温是(Tween)的音译,也叫吐温型 乳化剂 ,为 司盘 (Span, 山梨醇 脂肪酸酯)和 环氧乙烷 的缩合 物,为一类非离子型去污剂。    化学名称 :   聚氧乙烯失水山梨醇 脂肪酸 酯,简称聚山梨酯(Polysorbate),    产品系列:   由于司盘 ...
11557 次阅读|没有评论
Chart for ways to spin your PhD/postdoc skills
2022-7-27 09:46
939 次阅读|没有评论
人体pH值,胰蛋白酶(trypsin)的溶解和抑制活性,1M tris-HCL PH=8.0 母液的稀释
2022-7-27 03:23
人体内的 pH值 篇首 : 化学上用pH值来表示酸碱强度.当pH为7即为中性,小于7时为酸性,大于7时为碱性。而人的血液pH值为7.35~7.45.由于血液是弱碱性的,因此在它的流域内,大多数体液也表现程度不同的碱性,如唾液和眼球内液pH值为7.2;脑脊液、胆汁都是7.4;小肠液为7.6;胰液为8,有时高达 8.3~8.4;大肠液 ...
3167 次阅读|没有评论

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