

Tubes are made with polypropylene
2024-8-26 12:36
Before running ELISA and LegendPlex, make sure the microcentrifuge tubes and pipette tips are made of polypropylene. Data are expressed as mean ± SD from at least three independent experiments with triple replicates per experiment. (* p 0.05, ** p 0.01, *** p &nbs ...
478 次阅读|没有评论
Transfection vs. Transduction vs. Transformation
2024-6-20 01:05
转化、转染、转导、感染有什么区别? 涉及外源基因表达的四个词:转化、转染、转导、感染,可是与实验狗们天天相伴的几个概念。与他们相处了这么久,但是你清楚他们之间的区别吗?今天小赛就带你重新梳理下这四个词,快来看看你用对了吗? 转化Transformation: 是指含外源基因的重组质粒(载体)将外源基 ...
629 次阅读|没有评论
Acetic acid (醋酸或乙酸) 溶液的配制
2024-2-18 12:31
问:如何配制1M的acetic acid溶液? 答:先计算母液的浓度。0.99 (purity)* 1.049 g/mL (density) / 60.05 g/ m ol ( molecular weight ) =0.0173 mol/mL = 13.7 mol/L = 17.3 M 所以,1M acetic acid溶液是将母液稀释17.3倍得到的,即1mL母液溶于16.3 mL dH2O中。
2444 次阅读|1 个评论
2023-12-1 05:34
Liquid chromatography-massspectrometry has been used to detect the 3 different change levels. 1. Drug concentration 2. Drug metabolites (metabolomics) 3. Proteinmics (the protein level changes due to drug intake) Sam runs the University of Chicago Core of ...
660 次阅读|没有评论
2023-9-26 23:27
656 次阅读|没有评论
WB control loading antibody
2023-5-25 21:40
878 次阅读|没有评论
Seahorse notes
2023-5-17 05:48
Oligomycin: a complex V inhibitor, derive ATP-linked respiration and proton leak respiration. FCCP: ie. proton (H + ), for the maximum capacity ofH + Rotenone: shut down ETC (electron transport chain) function, revealing the non-mitochondrial respiration.non-mutdrome consumptio ...
759 次阅读|没有评论
Immune cell markers
2023-5-5 03:33
CD3: Universal T cells CD4: helper T cells CD8: cytotoxic T cells CD19: B cells CD21: mature B cells/ follicular dendritic cells CD25: T regulatory cells FoxP3: T regulatory cells (more specific) IFN: interferon cytokines
742 次阅读|没有评论
Cell death markers
2023-4-9 10:15
Bcl-2 superfamily Pro-apoptotic Bax, Bid, Bok, Bik, Bak, Noxa, Bim, Puma, Bad Anti-apoptotic BCL-2, A1, BCL-XL, BCL-W, BLFL-1, BCL-B, MCL-1 Caspases Initiator: Caspase 2,Caspase 8,Caspase 9,Caspase 10 Effector:Caspase 3,Caspase 6,Casp ...
780 次阅读|没有评论
glutamine vs. glutamate
2023-3-29 00:07
glutamine vs. glutamate (glutamate =L-Glutamic acid ) 谷氨酰胺vs.谷氨酸 它们是不同的氨基酸 Glutamine (谷氨酰胺)is a conditionally essential amino acid that has various functions of the body. Glutamate (谷氨酸) is a non-essential amino acid whic ...
2049 次阅读|没有评论

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