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已有 4459 次阅读 2014-5-24 10:57 |个人分类:圕人堂|系统分类:人文社科| 美国, 馆藏利用

      OCLC与OhioLINK图书馆联盟相互协作开展馆藏与流通分析项目研究。其研究成果《图书馆联盟图书流通模式:基于OCLC-OhioLINK的研究》将于《大学与研究图书馆》(图谋注:College & Research libraries为SSCI收录期刊,2012年的影响因子为1.016)2014年11月这期正式发表(2013年8月被录用),目前可以下载预印本。不仅如此,还可以下载《2011年OhioLINK-OCLC 馆藏与流通分析项目报告》全文及其原始数据资料。

      《图书馆联盟图书流通模式:基于OCLC-OhioLINK的研究》有系列重要发现:比如分析一百多家高校图书馆的馆藏流通情况,颠覆了以前我们所熟知的文献二八律,里面提到7.2%的馆藏占到了80%的流通量,还有一个数据,80%的馆藏在一年内没有任何借阅;纸质资源流通量的下降在高校馆较为明显;不同类型图书馆有着相似的流通率,每本书平均年流通率为0.11;少数几本书被大量使用,很大比例馆藏很少被利用,甚至有的从来未被利用过;旧书的流通率比新书的流通率低很多,但他们作为研究馆藏的重要组成部分继续被利用;先前的利用情况可作为未来利用情况最好的预测依据,它能有效帮助确定哪些书适合托管(图谋注:据香港岭南大学Sheila Cheung等人的《Monograph circulation over a 15-year period in a liberal arts university》研究,在五至七年不流通的图书可以考虑将其纳入远程存储,对用户的影响微乎其微。)。



Analysis of largest, most diverse compilation of academic book usage data ever collected now available
 01 October 2013

"Consortial Book Circulation Patterns: The OCLC-OhioLINK Study" provides an interpretation of the book circulation patterns from the OhioLINK consortium and OCLC Research study. The article is scheduled for publication in the November 2014 issue of College and Research Libraries but a preprint [pdf] is available now.

Written by Edward T. O'Neill and Julia Gammon, the article outlines the study methodology, analyzes the data, and offers insights into the consortium-wide collection usage. The OCLC-OhioLINK study collected and analyzed circulation data for libraries within the consortium examining the circulation of 28,475,701 books from over 100 academic libraries. Circulation patterns analyzed include subject and language usage, as well as scattering, obsolescence and duplication.

Key highlights from the article include:

?Different types of libraries had similar circulation rates with an average annual circulation rate of 0.11 circulations per book
?Most usage was generated by a relatively small proportion of books: 7.2% of manifestations produced 80% of circulation and over 80% of the manifestations did not circulate in the year observed
?Few books were heavily used but a large proportion of the collection were rarely, if ever, used
?Older books had a much lower circulation rate than new books but they continued to be used and are an essential part of research collections
?Previous use is the best predictor of future use and could effectively help to identify additional books suitable for the depositories
The results and conclusions from the study offer valuable insights for library collection planning, including library purchasing, storage considerations, and future usage prediction.

The data collected in the study were published in the report, OhioLINK–OCLC Collection and Circulation Analysis Project 2011. For more information about the study, see the OhioLINK Collection and Circulation Analysis project activity page.


OhioLink Institutions
美国研究图书馆协会(ARL Institutions)机构5个
大学(Universities) 4个
学院(Colleges) 44个
社区学院(Community Colleges) 15
分校(Branch Campuses) 28
独立文化机构(Independent Cultural Institutions)3
校外医院和医疗中心(Off-campus Hospitals and Medical Centers)20
州图书馆(State Libraries)1



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