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IP: 222.185.255.*   [97]裴学方   2012-4-12 18:29
何教授  西方国家的政治家,科学家,间谍跟着你。他们的博文Addressing US-China Strategic mistrust西方在中国的间谍活动不断增加,西方国家用这种使人成为精神上的智能的或愚钝的机器人,人的大脑连着智能计算机,这种方法侵犯中国人的人权。这些西方国家的政治上科学上的所谓的西方精英都说反话。何教授我说的对吗。我希望你和中国科学院计算所联系。史忠植就是人工智能科学的。他的邮箱shiz@163.com他在人工智能学会。
我的回复(2012-4-13 00:04):Reply to your three messages: Srtificial Intelligence is not my research specialty. But you can read http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1565&do=blog&id=414924
IP: 222.185.255.*   [96]裴学方   2012-4-12 17:23
何教授   WHB11是个西方国家的智能机器人,他们的大脑连着智能计算机,不过他们大脑也是智能计算机与脑联网,向他们大脑输入信息,也向你的大脑输入信息的这些科学仪器的使用者。中国要有这些科学。我是中国人,江苏常州人,中国研究研究这方面的人工智能科学,史忠植他是江苏宜兴的,我们是老乡。我叫裴学芳,我的电话051983310352,他们的发到你邮箱的内容给我一份吧。我认识他们有六年了。可他们没有和我交流这方面的智能科学。向他们讨教也不睬我。
IP: 222.185.255.*   [95]裴学方   2012-4-12 16:51
IP: 202.114.66.*   [94]liliyy   2012-4-9 10:40
thank you very much!
best wishes!
IP: 202.114.66.*   [93]liliyy   2012-4-7 20:59
您好!我是武汉大学的一名硕士研究生。我在科学网的“博主委员会”中找到了您,由于毕业论文的需要,想麻烦您做一份调查问卷http://www.sojump.com/jq/1412573.aspx ,目的在于了解 学术性社区 用户知识共享行为的影响因素,研究的成果可能会有助于加强您与他人的学术交流。
我的回复(2012-4-8 21:31):I did it
IP: 122.137.221.*   [92]WHB11   2012-4-5 22:59
IP: 122.137.220.*   [91]WHB11   2012-4-4 20:20
我的回复(2012-4-4 21:35):Address should be all lower case letters.
我的回复(2012-4-4 21:34):My e mail address is Ho@seas.Harvard.edu
IP: 122.137.220.*   [90]WHB11   2012-4-4 20:18
IP: 122.67.26.*   [89]张一一   2012-3-31 16:18
我的回复(2012-4-1 19:35):请看我的公告栏
IP: 118.186.129.*   [88]科学网编辑部   2012-3-22 23:24
我的回复(2012-3-22 23:28):I received your message of 3-22-2012. Thanks.
IP: 202.117.2.*   [87]geffer   2012-1-24 22:55
Dear Prof. Hu

I decide to be a specialist in system science, however, during this application and research process, if you indulge me, I have a few questions in the flowing and would appreciate getting your sights.

1 Do you think the discipline automation in China  matched with your requirement for SE?

If not, what other would I learn?  

2)     In fact, a lot of computer scientists are taking same researches related to wireless network. If SE is that structure of system to realize optimal design and control of system. SE should demarcate to applied math, because SE doesn’t has certain application ground. If you love specific engineering, you could be engineer on that. Or you could do some theory work about math. So what’s the purpose of SE?
我的回复(2012-1-25 10:32):also you may wish to read two of my earlier blogs:

我的回复(2012-1-25 03:33):Your questions require a very long answer and cannot be done in this space. Let me think about it somemore and write a blog article about it.
IP: 222.190.109.*   [86]陈昌春   2012-1-17 18:46
我的回复(2012-1-17 21:36):Unfortunately, I have zero experience with blogs other than Science Net. This is the only place I write articles. May I suggest you use GOOGLE to search fopr what you want.
IP: 121.14.162.*   [85]张胜   2012-1-7 16:17
我的回复(2012-1-7 17:14):??
IP: 68.39.4.*   [84]翁恩生   2012-1-2 22:22
   , Sorry for confusing. The one who first comments on a post can have a sofa (sf), while the second can have a stool ('bandeng' for Chinese Pinyin). The others who come later have to stand on their feet. A stool is not as comfort as a sofa, but better than not having a seat. It's just for fun :-)

Happy New Year!
我的回复(2012-1-3 05:09):I actually thought of the correct Chinese words but couldn't figure out the meaning in this case.
IP: 218.58.59.*   [83]adai110   2012-1-2 11:32
我的回复(2012-1-3 05:11):謝謝•
IP: 125.39.155.*   [82]许培扬   2012-1-2 08:52
我的回复(2012-1-3 05:10):謝謝•
IP: 222.217.88.*   [81]qijinian2019   2011-12-27 16:33
我的回复(2011-12-27 22:05):Thank you for your greetings.
IP: 87.95.103.*   [80]甘春梅   2011-12-21 04:38
我的回复(2011-12-21 05:19):This is outside my area of interest. I am also too busy to answer surveys. Sorry.
IP: 219.239.227.*   [79]buaazhanghui   2011-12-10 21:18
Thank you all the same! Several months ago, I happened to come across your book which takes all your past articles on your blogs. I began to become familiar with you. You have helped me a lot through those articles, which I must thank you for your selfishless share and care for us. As to the question mentioned earlier, I will try to find my own way out.
我的回复(2011-12-10 21:33):All my good ideas for theoretical research came from trying to solve practical problems. Thus, keep yopur mind open when working on applications.
IP: 219.239.227.*   [78]buaazhanghui   2011-12-5 14:07
我的回复(2011-12-10 04:20):you should be able to find my answers in general in the many articles I have written in the past four years
我的回复(2011-12-5 15:30):Please read my public announcement as to why I cannot give individual advices.

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