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IP: 59.68.77.*   [17]甘永超   2008-6-9 12:13
文献 Chandrasekhar Roychoudhuri, Al F. Kracklauer, Katherine Creath. 《The Nature of Light: What Are Photons?》 A self-consistent picture of wave-particle duality of light, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 6664, (2007), 666407 所设计的判决性实验:让一束632.8nm的氦氖激光与一束100eV的单能电子在真空中对撞并精确测量其散射光的波长,以比较经典条件下光的量子理论与经典电磁理论究竟哪一个更为精确。这是一个欧美的博士研究生就可以完成的判决性实验,希望您能从中牵线搭桥。我期待着该实验的结果并看好它的科学价值。

博主回复:I am sorry but this is not my field or expertise. I can do nothing about your comment.
IP: 59.68.77.*   [16]甘永超   2008-6-8 15:17
IP: 219.234.135.*   [15]王应宽   2008-5-19 12:45




博主回复:对.但是我觉得试验是experiment, 实验是test.
IP: 124.42.119.*   [14]王应宽   2008-5-17 16:44


王应宽 email:wangyk@agri.gov.cn

博主回复:This is my interpretation:
"Experiment" means that I am taking certain action and observe the outcome with no preconcevied idea what the outcome will be. I am 试一试
"Test" means that I am taking certain action and observe the outcome with preconcevied idea what the outcome will be - yes or nbo, good or bad. I am 审查 the outcome.
Hope this helps.
IP: 159.226.151.*   [13]刘玉平   2008-5-17 14:00

IP: 124.115.220.*   [12]wang521wgp   2008-5-8 10:29
IP: 168.160.17.*   [11]武夷山   2008-4-22 10:30
博主回复:我没有仔细考慮过这个问题.但是我從十五岁就离家一个人在国外生活对我喜欢或者不怕问新的问题大概有些关係. 大家都说过: 中国教育及考试制度只注重回答问题而不训練創造问题.
还有一点个人愛好 -- 任何解答我喜欢 "简与巧" 不赞成 "繁及难". (记得小时候学平面几何有一个出名的难题叫 "九点圆". 美国学生从來没有聽过.)
IP: 210.73.4.*   [10]王铮   2008-2-7 10:40


IP: 219.143.144.*   [9]王海辉   2008-1-1 07:50
Dear Prof. He:
Happy new year~
IP: 96.233.120.*   [8]何毓琦   2007-12-12 05:28
Research paper is a record of past accomplishment. A reseaqrch proposal deals with future potential. Need I say more?
IP: 218.82.246.*   [7]陆绮   2007-12-11 16:18
Dear Prof. Ho,
Now I am confused with the difference between writing a research proposal and writing an article. Could you please provide some advice on 'How to write a convicing research proposal'.What should be emphasized in an research proposal and what mistakes should be avoided ?
Thank you very much!

IP: 96.233.120.*   [6]何毓琦   2007-12-8 19:56
Please understand that I am here to provide general advice only. I cannot give individual replies as an advise columnist nor am I an expert in everything. If I respond to every request, I'll have no time to do anything.
You must approach you teacher or friends and try to solve your problem on your own.
IP: 222.26.24.*   [5]桂耀荣   2007-11-5 12:01
博主回复:Dear Yaoronggui, By 反应 I mean the english words "feedback or response". I do not mean 反映. Of course my Chinese could be wrong.
IP: 59.66.53.*   [4]何毓琦   2007-9-30 17:55
Dear "Nothing" Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. As an author I had no knowledge of the associate editor and the reviewers handling the processing of the paper. Usually a submitted manuscript is assigned by the editor to an associate editor to handle the peer review process based on his/her research areas and expertise. While Professor Guan could have recused himself or insisted to editor Araki that he finds another associate editor, he handled the paper with all appropriate objectivity and complete professionalism. The paper went through two rounds of rigorous reviews and revision (all the correspondences and revisions are available for inspection and scrutiny). . We do agree with you about the appearance of possible conflict of interest and would like to suggest the editor and the associate editor to pay more attention to this issue in the future Since you did not reveal your identity, we cannot thank you personally for bringing this matter to the attention of the public. However, if you are not satisfied, you may take this matter with the Journal AUTOMIATICA directly. Sincerely, Yu-Chi Ho
IP: 121.227.22.*   [3]周可真   2007-8-16 00:31
IP: .*   [2]lkxzj2006   2007-5-12 11:42
我们可以交流吗,请您进入我的人民网强国博客(百度千尺)http://blog.people.com.cn/blog/showblog.jspe?site_id=7826 希望回复.我的信箱:lkxzyyzhaojian@163.com
IP: .*   [1]何毓琦   2007-5-10 22:39
There now is an excellent translation of my article on "Life of an academic inb the US" at http://www.sciencenet.cn/html/shownews.aspx?id=179076.

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