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IP: 150.135.210.*   [37]brianzqp   2010-2-15 07:30
Hi Dr. Ho.
Thank you very much for your comments on my note on the last day of 2009, and your successful prediction 10 years ago.
What you said "If future of science is predictable, then the world will not be so interesting" told me the same idea by Alan Kay: "The best way to predict the future is to invent it." It is really hard to predict how everything goes, indeed hard-working and imagination are all we need.
Thank you again! Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!
IP: 222.210.168.*   [36]oilman   2010-1-10 22:38
这几天靠在床上休息时间看了从你的博客编辑而成的书《科学人生纵横》。知道了你在科技网上写了好几年,现在把你的英文原文和中文翻译过来结集出版。读起来很有意思。我是搞石油工程的,你的专业领域自动化和运筹学方面我不熟悉。但你对中美文化的分析和对人生的感悟,我特别理解和赞同。对比一下中英文翻译也很有收获。虽然英语是我的工作与语言,但我的第一语言还是中文。我猜你看中文没有问题,只是写可能不习惯吧。所以我还是用中文和你交流。如果你看中文不习惯,我也可以用英文。以后我会时常来看你的博客。你特别像我的一位同. 他是 我过去的mentor。他是大陆出生,四十几年前从台湾到了美国读书, Ph.D毕业后已经工作了41年了(同一个公司,同一个妻子,多少年如一,和你一样, 但现在还没有退休,身体特棒,登上比年轻人还走得快)。读你的书对人有所启迪, 就好像与一个老前辈老朋友对话。我喜欢逛书店,就像逛超市一样。看到好书,就喜欢去读,是一种享受。你的这本书是我前天逛书店碰巧找到的。其实应该放在畅销书一类,放科技书类知道的人会太少了。你的书不仅对年轻人有帮助,对我这样的中年人也有所裨益。我希望中国的大学教授和校长都能读一读你的书。
IP: 222.210.168.*   [35]oilman   2010-1-10 22:30
You know what, I have a colleague. Formerly he was my mentor when I joined the company. He and you have a lot in similarity, obtained Ph.D in the U.S., worked more than 40 years in the same company, still married the same wife for many years. However, he is still working in the company, very energetic and healthy. I enjoy reading various good books. I would like that more Chinese readers have chance to read this book. Reading your book is like talking to an old friend, to a knowledgeable scholar, and to a sage. It is not only v ery helpful for the young people, but also beneficial for middle-aged Chinese people like me. I hope that all of the Chinese university presidents can read your book. /an oil man
博主回复:Dear Oilman, Glad you enjoyed the blog book. Helping others was my main purpose in writing my blog. I have made free copies available to several universities. By all means help to publicize the existence of the blog or the book.
IP: 222.210.168.*   [34]oilman   2010-1-10 22:29
Dear Professor HO,I have read your book “Letters from America”. It is very interesting for me to read both your original English and the Chinese translation (both are wonderful!). I am a petroleum engineer, worked more then 10 years before in China as a faculty in a university, and then spent more than 5 years in the U.S. for my Ph.D and worked for about 10 years in American oil industry. Currently I am working in China again for my company for a major capital project. Although I am not familiar with your academic field in automation and operation research, I understand and agree with you completely in your general understanding on life value, Chinese/American culture difference, especially your sharp eyes in Chinese academia. /an oil man
IP: 150.135.210.*   [33]brianzqp   2009-12-31 14:30
Hi Dr. Ho, I still remember your words on CDC1999--control is going to have a new birth with computational intelligence. right now10 years has passed, how do you think about the development of computational intelligence?

Thank you very much! Happy New Year!
博主回复:It may be subject to debate. But don"t you think a great deal on intelligence have been added to control systems. Just compare two issues of the Transaction of AC and the Control Systems Magazine 10 years apart.
However, in the same article I also said that "the dust heap is full of scientific predictions by well intentioned persons". If future of scienbce is predictable, then the world will not be so interesting.
IP: 222.30.63.*   [32]韩晓光   2009-11-20 19:50
博主回复:Take a look at the topic "Linear Matrix Inquality" by Stephen Boyd of Stanford. It may help.
IP: 59.68.77.*   [31]甘永超   2009-9-8 01:03



IP: 211.71.15.*   [30]孔玉侠   2009-5-22 11:31


IP: 123.112.70.*   [29]吴中祥   2009-5-5 22:46

数学家高斯说: “数学是自然科学的皇后”,笛卡尔也曾说:“数学的概念和证明,能够而且必须应用于一切世俗科学”, 兰 德尔还曾说:“科学产生于用数学解释自然这一信念。”,马克思也说过:“一种科学只有在成功地运用数学时,才算达到了完善的地步!”,实际上任何科学,甚至任何的日常生活,都

博主回复:Many thanks for your suggestion, Professor Wu. I am retired and not suitable to be the organizer except as the cheering section member.You should do it.Best regards.
IP: 10.11.52.*   [28]刘剑   2009-3-27 13:01
Dear Prof. He,

I"m a PH.D candidate of Harbin Institute of Technology. I have composed one research paper and decide to submit it to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. But I"m studying in Japan now, and the university has no IEEE Transactions database such that I can not get enough information about that Transaction. This is the reason I"m writing to you. I wonder that, generally, how much time does this Transaction will cost when reviewing one research paper and the time cost from receiving manuscript to publishing the paper? Thanks a lot. I"m sorry that I don"t know your email address. Therefore, I have to leave a message to you here.

Looking forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

Jian Liu
Harbin Institute of Technology
E-mail: liujianhit@hit.edu.cn
博主回复:Please read my article http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=32934
How to get a paper published - 关于论文发表(原文及译文)
IP: 218.249.29.*   [27]张秀丽   2009-3-17 11:50
博主回复:Often times, young scholars are the most consciencious and up-to-date referees. Best of luck and success to you.
IP: 218.249.93.*   [26]张显峰   2008-12-31 15:03
博主回复:Yes, every year there is a suggested quota for each discipline determined by the membership committee of the academy. But it is my im pression that this is not an absolutely strict limit that cannot be exceeded in extraordinary cases.
IP: 24.57.16.*   [25]刘晓东   2008-11-25 22:52
博主回复:第一我不是物理学博士导師.第二要看他怎么问这问题. 要一个博士研究生退学是一件大事. 不能隨便决定的.
IP: 87.170.183.*   [24]周旭   2008-11-14 04:25
My current research is about systems biology and biological networks. I am wondering what"s the strategy to drive a nonlinear dynamic system from one steady state to another one, or from oscillation back to steady state. Could you recommend some books about control theory for nonlinear dynamics system to deal with these kind of problems.

Many thanks,

Zhou Xu

博主回复:I am sorry. This is not my area of expertise. I cannot help you. Nonlinear controllability and biologoical models are fascinating subject to study. You need to consult other experts. Good luck
IP: 218.56.41.*   [23]曾茂进   2008-10-2 15:09

博主回复:Sorry, I am not a physicist.
IP: 218.199.103.*   [22]brianzqp   2008-9-15 21:39
Thank you for your useful instruction.
I have listened your speech at Huazhong Univ of Sci and Tech. As a Control-student, I followed your words "Computational Intelligence will give a new birth to control science. (not exactly the same sentence)" and I chosed to have research experience in Computational Intelligence and Graph Theory to have preparation for further research.

Thank you again for your successful instructions via speeches, talks, the red-book for new researcher, and so forth.
博主回复:You are most welcomed.
IP: 210.73.10.*   [21]陈安   2008-8-15 11:02

IP: 210.73.10.*   [20]陈安   2008-8-15 11:02
IP: 210.73.10.*   [19]陈安   2008-8-15 11:02

IP: 210.73.10.*   [18]陈安   2008-8-15 11:01


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