何毓琦的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/何毓琦 哈佛(1961-2001) 清华(2001-date)


Grand Challenge Summit Meeting among USA/China/UK (2)
2019-9-19 04:01
For new readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first A few personal observations This is not the usual technical type of conference where specialists get together. Instead it is a conference designed to address BIG problems of th ...
个人分类: S&T|3423 次阅读|没有评论
Grand Challenge Summit Meeting among USA/China/UK
2019-9-14 03:50
For new readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first The Joint USNAE/CAE/RoyalSocietyOfEng meeting in London, England 9/16-18 The US National Academy of Engineering, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and British Royal ...
个人分类: S&T|3825 次阅读|没有评论
Global Warming vs. Climate Change
2019-8-1 02:07
For new readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first It is general knowledge that the earth is getting warmer by a few degrees over the past decades. This is an un-disputed fact called Global Warming known to everyone. Ho ...
个人分类: S&T|3751 次阅读|没有评论
Applied Optimization
2019-5-6 03:32
For new readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first Solving optimization problem algorithmically on a computer is a big subject in computational research ever since computer became prevalent some 50 years ago. The most common ...
个人分类: S&T|4227 次阅读|没有评论
Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (NET-CPS)
2019-4-6 11:08
For new readers and those who request to be “好友 good friends” please read my 公告栏 first Cyber-Physical systems are ubiquitous these days from smart phones to smart buildings, to smart cities. Often they themselves are interconnected to each other via physical infrastructure networ ...
个人分类: S&T|3155 次阅读|没有评论
Latest New York Times Article about Academic Frauds in China
2017-10-15 21:24
For new readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first The latest articles in both the Asia Pacific edition and the regular edition of the New York Times carries the title of “ China Tarnished By Science Fraud”. It repor ...
个人分类: S&T|4883 次阅读|没有评论
ScientificPublishing is a Big and Profitable Business
热度 2 2017-7-1 04:20
For new readers and those who request to be“ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first Suppose youwish to publish a periodical or magazine like TIME, ECONOMISTS, or NEW YORKER.You must setup an office, hire an editorial staff, pay and fund the work of various wri ...
个人分类: S&T|8380 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
IACS Symposium 2017 at Harvard
2017-1-22 21:45
For new readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first IACS symposium and the Chavez talk on financial engineering The Institute of Applied Computational Sciences at Harvard’s Paulson School of Engineering and Applied ...
个人分类: S&T|6540 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]R & D of artificial intelligence in China
热度 2 2017-1-8 00:00
Research and development of artificial intelligence in China For new readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first In a forum chaired by National Science Review 's Executive Associative Editor,Mu-ming Poo, ...
个人分类: S&T|5576 次阅读|8 个评论 热度 2
[转载]The End of Moore's Law
2016-9-6 21:50
For newreaders and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. Here is another one of Professor Guan-Rong Chen's distributions End_of_Moore_Law.pdf worth reading.
个人分类: S&T|4504 次阅读|没有评论

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