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已有 9961 次阅读 2016-7-14 17:31 |个人分类:医疗纵横|系统分类:科研笔记| 论文


周 健



重要性: 美国在1965年就设计和颁布了医疗保险和医疗补助方面的一个重要法律制度:平价医疗法。对该法案的综合改革的宗旨是提高医疗保健的可及性、可承受性和医疗保健质量。





United States Health Care Reform

Progress to Date and Next Steps


IMPORTANCE The Affordable Care Act is themost important health care legislation enacted in

the United States since the creation ofMedicare and Medicaid in 1965. The law implemented

comprehensive reforms designed to improvethe accessibility, affordability, and quality of

health care.

OBJECTIVES To review the factorsinfluencing the decision to pursue health reform

summarize evidence on the effects of thelaw to date, recommend actions that could

improve the health care system, andidentify general lessons for public policy

from the Affordable Care Act.

EVIDENCE Analysis of publicly availabledata, data obtained from government agencies

and published research findings. The periodexamined extends from 1963 to early 2016

FINDINGS The Affordable Care Act has madesignificant progress toward solving

long-standing challenges facing the UShealth care system related to access, affordability,

and quality of care. Since the AffordableCare Act became law, the uninsured rate has

declined by 43%, from 16.0% in 2010 to 9.1%in 2015, primarily because of the law's reforms.

Research has documented accompanyingimprovements in access to care (for example, an

estimated reduction in the share ofnonelderly adults unable to afford care of 5.5 percentage

points), financial security (for example,an estimated reduction in debts sent to collection of

$600-$1000 per person gaining Medicaidcoverage), and health (for example, an estimated

reduction in the share of nonelderly adultsreporting fair or poor health of 3.4 percentage

points). The law has also begun the processof transforming health care payment systems

with an estimated 30% of traditionalMedicare payments now flowing through alternative

payment models like bundled payments oraccountable care organizations. These and related

reforms have contributed to a sustainedperiod of slow growth in per-enrollee health care

spending and improvements in health carequality. Despite this progress, major opportunities

to improve the health care system remain.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Policy makersshould build on progress made by the

Affordable Care Act by continuing toimplement the Health Insurance Marketplaces

and delivery system reform, increasingfederal financial assistance for Marketplace enrollees

introducing a public plan option in areaslacking individual market competition, and taking

actions to reduce prescription drug costs.Although partisanship and special interest

opposition remain, experience with theAffordable Care Act demonstrates that positive

change is achievable on some of thenation's most complex challenges.





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9 李静芳 刘成前 黄永义 武夷山 高建国 王鑫 程娟 强涛 biofans

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