人生的意义就是思考其意义分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/qianlivan 天体物理工作者,家乡云南昆明。



已有 2867 次阅读 2017-7-10 09:25 |个人分类:知识|系统分类:科研笔记| X射线数据

ROSAT : The Roentgen Satellite


Lifetime : 1 June 1990 - 12 February 1999
* Energy Range :  X-ray 0.1 - 2.5 keV , EUV 62-206 eV
* Special Feature :  All sky-survey in the soft X-ray band
* Payload :

    • An X-ray telescope used in conjunction with one  of the following instruments (0.1-2.5 keV)

      • Position Sensitive Proportional Counter
             (PSPC) 2 units : detector B, used for the pointed phase,      & detector C ,used for the survey
             FOV 2 ° diameter  eff area 240 cm2 at 1 keV
               energy resolution of        deltaE/E=0.43 (E/0.93)-0.5

      • High Resolution Imager (HRI)
              FOV 38 ' square ;  eff area 80 cm2 at 1 keV  
             ~ 2 arcsec spatial resolution (FWHM)

    • A Wide Field Camera with its own mirror system
          (62-206 eV)       FOV 5 ° diameter  

*  Science Highlights:

  • X-ray all-sky survey catalog, more than 150000 objects  

  • XUV all-sky survey catalog (479 objects)

  • Source catalogs from the pointed phase (PSPC and HRI)       containing ~ 100000 serendipitous sources

  • Detailed morphology of supernova remnants and clusters of galaxies.

  • Detection of shadowing of diffuse X-ray emission by molecular clouds.

  • Detection (Finally!) of pulsations from Geminga.

  • Detection of isolated neutron stars.

  • Discovery of X-ray emission from comets.

  • Observation of X-ray emission from the collision of  Comet Shoemaker-Levy with Jupiter.

* Archive  : Catalogs, Spectra, Lightcurves, Images and Raw data


Chandra X-ray Observatory

Lifetime :23 July 1999 - (nominal 5 year mission)
* Energy Range : 0.1-10 keV
* Special Features :  64 Hours highly-eccentric Earth orbit.
Spatial resolution < 1 arcsec
* Payload :
 A single Wolter Type 1 grazing incidence iridium-coated imaging  telescope with a ghost free FOV ~ 30´ diameter and an   effective area of 800 and 400 cm2 @ 0.25 and 5 keV  respectively.
Four detectors could be inserted, one at a time, into the  focal plane. Two of these were designed to be used primarily with   the gratings.

  • AXAF Charged Coupled Imaging Spectrometer
    (ACIS; 0.2-10 keV)         2 CCD arrays for a total of 10 chips. 8 chips are Front          Illuminated (FI) and 2 are Back Illuminated (BI).
            FI: Eff area 340 cm2 @ 1 keV, E/dE = 20-50 @ 1 and 6 keV
            BI: Eff area 340 cm2 @ 1 keV, E/dE = 9-35 @ 1 and 6 keV        

    • ACIS-I. One 4-chip imaging array, all FI.             FOV 16´ X 16´        

    • ACIS-S. One 6-chip spectroscopic array, 4 FI and 2 BI              FOV 8´ X 48´. To be used primarily with the grating.        

  • High Resolution Camera (HRC; 0.1-10 keV)
    2 micro-channel plate          detectors.        

    • HRC-I One 90mm square detector optimized  for imaging. FOV             ~30´ X 30´, eff. area 225 cm2 @ 1 keV,               ~ 0.5 arcsec spatial resolution          

    • HRC-S One 20 X 300 mm rectangular detector optimized for use with             the LETG transmission gratings experiment. FOV 7´ X 97´        

  • High Energy Transmission Grating + ACIS-S (HETG; 0.5-10 keV)
              spectral resolving power (E/dE) 60-1000.    

  • Low Energy Transmission Grating + HRC-S (LETG; 0.08-6 keV)
              spectral resolving power (E/dE) 30-2000.  



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