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The decomposition and ecological risk of DDTs and HCHs in
2020-4-29 00:32
This research project was designed to study the residues of OCPs (organochlorine pesticides) in the sediments of the Meijiang River Basin. Samples from the Meijiang River Basin were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after being pretreated by Soxhlet extraction, and their com ...
1199 次阅读|没有评论
Risks to water resources and development of a managemen
2020-4-29 00:28
The purpose of this study is to disclose the water resource risks influenced by climate extremes and human activities and therefore to propose a management strategy for the river basins (Lancang and Jinsha rivers) in the Hengduan Mountains, Southwest China. In this study, a slope changing ...
1208 次阅读|没有评论
Land cover dynamic change in the Napahai Basin using the opt
2020-4-29 00:24
Based on the optimized random forest (ORF) model proposed in our research, data of the Landsat-OLI, Landsat-TM images, and digital elevation model were used by us to obtain the land cover maps during several periods in the Napahai Basin. Model performance testing results show that producer ...
1284 次阅读|没有评论
The Effects of Climate and Anthropogenic Activity on Hydrolo
2016-1-12 22:30
This paper aims to analyze the effects of precipitation and anthropogenic activity on hydrologic features in Yanhe River so as to provide support for regional water management and evaluation of water and soil conservation measures. Thiessen Polygon was created to calculate mean values of watershed, ...
2145 次阅读|没有评论
Calcium Nodules as Proxy of Quaternary Paleoclimate Change i
2015-12-30 23:10
Different proxies have been used to investigate Quaternary paleoclimate change. Here, we used weathering of calcium nodules in paleosols on China's Loess Plateau as a proxy for Quaternary paleoclimate changes to provide an alternative indicator of these changes. Paleosol and carbonate nodules w ...
2255 次阅读|没有评论
Quantifying the Impact Factors of Different Forms of Potassi
2015-11-13 11:58
This study focuses on two genotypes of cotton and explores different factors that were able to affect the release of different forms of potassium (K) in the rhizosphere by considering a biogeochemical process integrating plants, soils, and microorganisms. The study indicated that both genotypes of ...
个人分类: 未分类|1837 次阅读|没有评论
Soil weathering-water environment-ecological risks in Hanjia
2015-11-13 11:56
The objective of this study is to assess water environment and ecological risks from heavy metals of soils in Hanjiang River Basin, China. We carried out investigations on the changing patterns of spatiotemporal distribution of soil chemical elements, and further identified the changing behaviors, ...
个人分类: 未分类|1996 次阅读|没有评论
2014-1-10 14:02
研究从棉花根际土壤中筛选、分离、纯化了硅酸盐解钾菌,之后进行硅酸盐解钾菌与7种含钾矿6 物在厌氧密闭系统中的生物风化解钾试验,探讨了硅酸盐解钾菌对不同含钾矿物生物风化作用的规律。试7 验结果表明:(1)在含钾矿物与解钾菌的生物风化中,矿物与硅酸盐解钾菌的不同组合释放钾的数量差异8 显著,原因可能是酸盐解钾 ...
3765 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 2013-11-8 09:32
进行了 开放体系、封闭体系、半封闭半开放体系下 白云母 , 高岭石 , 黑云母 , 钾长石 , 蒙脱石 , 伊利石 , 蛭石等 7 种矿石和小分子有机酸的解钾实验,实验中 7 种矿石风化程度( CIA 指数)顺序为 高岭石 (96.79) 蒙脱石 (96.19) 伊利石 (77.30) 白云母 (69.24) 钾长石 ...
3074 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
Evaluating Status Changes of Soil Potassium from Path Model
2013-9-2 08:32
Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine critical environmental parameters of soil K availability and to quantify those contributors by using a proposed path model. In this study, plot experiments were designed into different treatments, and soil samples were collected and further a ...
2490 次阅读|没有评论

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