
王业春 2010-3-9 21:53
Soil texture is a soil property used to describe the relative proportion of different grain sizes of mineral particles in a soil. Particles are grouped according to their size into what are called soil separates. These separates are typically named clay , silt , and sand . Soil t ...
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热度 1 王业春 2010-2-21 22:24
久闻Sigmaplot大名, 经试用,发现它确实不愧为科技作图中的极品。因为是初学,技艺不佳在所难免。有两个问题曾一度困扰我。1.如何让摄氏度(℃)如何显示出来?2.坐标轴上小数点前面的零(0)又如何显示出来?通过网络向高手请教得到了如下的解决办法,个人觉得很实用。整理如下: 答1 -- 搜狗法中文打摄氏度(SSD)就 ...
9482 次阅读|没有评论 热度 1
王业春 2010-2-6 23:24
书 2007.Lawrence R. Walker, Joe Walker, Richard J. Hobbs. Linking Restoration and Ecological Succession. http://www.ebookee.net/Linking-Restoration-and-Ecological-Succession-Springer-Series-on-Environmental-Management-_346220.html 2006. Jelte van Andel and James Aronson. Restoratio ...
3874 次阅读|没有评论
热度 3 王业春 2010-2-3 16:12
How to get the journal title abbrevaitions Two ways 1、 通过Web of Science Help ( http://images.isiknowledge.com/WOK45/help/WOS/R_abrvjt.html )可以查找任何期刊的缩写。 2、 通过Abbreviation.com ( http ...
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