
Punahou Class of 2014
虞左俊 2014-6-2 02:09
Another 436 Punahou graduates will step into the real world now! (Photo from Punahou news) Proud family members!
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2302 次阅读|没有评论
热度 3 虞左俊 2014-4-1 05:27
To see these flowers, I need to turn my head 15 degrees to the left (away from my Mac screen).
个人分类: From the U.S.|3092 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 3
How much would you pay for such a vase?
虞左俊 2014-2-19 03:12
(Photo from the internet.) Now, if you know the vase is made by AI Wei-Wei, how much do you think it's worth? The answer is here: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/02/18/279050608/in-act-of-protest-ai-weiwei-vase-in-destroyed-at-miami-museum
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2836 次阅读|没有评论
热度 5 虞左俊 2014-2-15 03:11
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2958 次阅读|11 个评论 热度 5
Who will pay for this mistake? (updated)
热度 1 虞左俊 2014-2-8 17:30
(Photo from the net.) And with what? Will someone lose his job, or his head? (From the net.)
个人分类: News|2956 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1

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