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Science子刊Advances启航 精选

已有 46681 次阅读 2014-9-12 10:17 |个人分类:博客趣闻|系统分类:博客资讯| Science, advances

在Nature发行了几十份子刊后,Science终于坐不住了,继多年前“犹抱琵琶半遮面”地推出Signaling和Translational Medicine后,本月又正式宣布Advances创刊,并计划于明年2月发表第一篇文章。

Science Advances将只有电子版,而且是开放获取,这就意味着要求作者付费发表。看起来它的编辑方针与发行模式跟PLoS ONE差不多,比如发文范围极其广泛,几乎无所不包,诸如生命科学、物理学、社会及行为科学都在其征稿范围之内,此外还有计算机科学、工程学和数学等。

Science的名气显然大过PLoS,Science Advances的要价也高于PLoS ONE,前者是每篇3000美金,而且可能还有附加费,而后者是每篇1380美金,没有附加费。所谓附加费,一是超过10页需另交1500美金,二是选择CC BY(不限制商业用途)需另加1000美金,而CC BY-NC(限制商业用途)则无需附加费。

Science Advances的创刊无疑会对Nature Communications和Cell Report等产生冲击,也许会象它们的“长辈”Cell、Nature、Science一样形成三足鼎立之势,而且PLoS ONE显然不是其对手,只得依赖“薄利多销”来寻求生存空间了。

我不认为Science Advances将来会沦为一份“灌水”期刊,但无疑中国人发表的文章应该会占好几成。呵呵,这样一来,不知又有多少中国人的纳税钱要源源不断地落入美国人的腰包!

Science Advances is an online-only, open-access journal for all the sciences and the newest addition to the Science family of publications.

Science Advances features important, well-executed research in the life, physical, social and behavioral sciences—as well as computer science, engineering, and mathematics.

The editorial office will open in September 2014 and the journal will publish its first articles in February 2015. Read our February 2014 Science editorial announcing Science Advances here.

Read the frequently asked questions about Science Advances.

Editorial Vision

Science Advances will rapidly publish high-quality, original research in the physical, life, environmental, mathematical, engineering, computer, and social sciences that has the potential to make significant advances in any relevant field.

The journal seeks to publish articles that make important contributions to research in any of the relevant disciplines, and those that promote new collaborations, stimulate further experiments, or inspire new directions in applying science to solve immediate problems that matter to society.

Science Advances welcomes articles from interdisciplinary teams whose work is best disseminated in a broad journal and articles of interest to a disciplinary audience, so long as the quality and importance of the scientific contribution remains high. The journal will consider longer articles incorporating information that otherwise would be left to supplemental material so long as the length is justified by the content.

Open access model and article processing charges (APCs)

Science Advances is an open-access journal supported by article processing charges (APCs). The journal is online-only and will rapidly publish articles. Articles will be freely available as soon as they are published.

Authors may choose to publish under one of two Creative Commons licenses: CC BY or CC BY-NC. The CC BY license allows users to freely distribute, adapt, or re-use articles, including for commercial purposes. The CC BY-NC license allows users to distribute, adapt, or re-use articles for non-commercial purposes, while commercial use requires prior permission.

The APC for articles published under a CC BY-NC license is $3,000. Several discounts or surcharges may apply.

Significant discounts are available for corresponding authors who are members of AAAS and/or those who are located at institutions that license or subscribe to AAAS journals.

Surcharges may apply for authors selecting to publish under a CC BY license ($1,000 surcharge) or those whose articles are more 10 pages in length ($1,500).

AAAS may offer APC waivers upon request to authors in the developing world or to those experiencing financial hardships.

Promotional discounts also will be available to Science Advances’ first authors.

收藏 IP: 219.130.237.*| 热度|

14 郑永军 陈辉 王守业 王金良 LetPub编辑 强涛 赵星 卢萌盟 唐小卿 高建国 彭真明 刘敏 biofans qzw

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