你想表现一下、露一手吗?那就报名参赛科学脱口秀Science Slam 吧!(也可以称科学时尚赛!)EURAXESS_Slam_China_Flyer.pdf
6月27号EURAXESS Links China的中国代表Jacques de Soyres发布通知,请各位朋友配合他把“EURAXESS Links China Science Slam"的比赛通知转发给更多相关人员。而我除了看到北京化工学院在校园网站上贴出的唯一一份中方通知,还没有见到任何的中方配合宣传乃至博客文章的相关介绍。
这个快乐科学、娱乐科学的群体活动是2006年从德国发起,而后成为一个受人欢迎的横跨欧洲多个国家的群体活动的,参加者主要都是青年科研人员、高校学生。Science Slam 中国 2013由EURAXESS Links China、ThingINChina和Understanding Science三家联合组织,活动参赛者是无论国籍、在中国的在读或新毕业两年以内的博士生、博士后。
Science Slam最早是2006年从德国起源的,2008年就已经在德国多个城市蓬勃发展起来,成为一些高校以及高校集中的城市进行科学教育和科学宣传的一个有效手段。而到了2010年,这个面向青年听众的科学时尚活动就进一步扩大到欧洲多个国家。
维基百科对Science Slam的有专门介绍:
一些往年的Science Slam的视频也可以在YouTube网站上找到许多,不过绝大多数都是德语的。
About EURAXESS Links China
EURAXESS Links China is a networking and information tool for European researchers active in China and for Chinese researchers interested in collaborating with European research. The network is sponsored by the European Commission and has a representative based in Beijing.
EURAXESS Links China has a website, an online network of over 860 members, a monthly newsletter and other online publications. EURAXESS Links China also organizes networking, intelligence-sharing and collaboration-supporting events throughout China.
EURAXESS Links China is part of the EURAXESS initiative which supports career-development of mobile researchers worldwide.
Visit us at china.euraxess.org
About ThinkIN China
ThinkIN China was created at the Bridge Café in September 2010 by a small group of young researchers who live and work in China. Since its very beginning TIC was conceived as an informal ‘agora’ for debate on contemporary China. The idea that inspired the birth of TIC was to create a genuine space of reflection, discussion and dialogue about China in the heart of China’s academic crossroad in Wudaokou, Beijing.
About Understanding Science
The purpose of Understanding Science is to make a broader public aware of today’s accomplishments in research through short scientific lectures given in English as well as to give a non-expert audience an opportunity to talk with scientists currently carrying out research in China, in a friendly and convivial environment.
Understanding Science is organized by the UK Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the Institute of Physics (IoP).
Contact: understandingsciencebeijing@yahoo.com
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