黄华江分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/huanghj 美国明尼苏达大学Research Associate


我的论文连续5年上榜Top 25 Hottest Articles - 谈谈一些心得 精选

已有 29191 次阅读 2013-1-6 07:40 |系统分类:论文交流| Top, articles, Hottest, 研究经验交流


前两年我曾经写一篇博文如何写出令同行感兴趣的科技论文? 谈及我的两篇文章荣登Top 25 Hottest Articles排行榜。实际上,其中的一篇论文"A review of separation technologies in current and future biorefineries"从发表到现在已连续五年在其所在的期刊高居Top 25 Hottest Articles的前4名,而且大多数季度排在第一。我的另一篇研究论文Effect of biomass species and plant size on cellulosic ethanol: A comparative process and economic analysis也曾经在其所在的期刊上榜Top 25 Hottest Articles一年。我认为,有两篇上榜那么长时间,应该不是运气所致,而是长期努力的结果。

2004年以来我的代表性SCI论文、会议论文(报告)及书籍和章节见后面附录。经过统计,我的这些论文至今总共被SCI引用234,总的影响因子(IF)24.127. 其中我作为第一作者的论文总共被SCI引用209,总的影响因子(IF)15.666。这些成绩在有些博导、教授们面前来说根本不算什么,他们有几百篇论文不奇怪,因为他们属下有很多研究生和年轻教师同时在做实验研究和发表论文,他们是“集团军的将领”,而我仅仅是一位士兵而已,没有可比性。但对于象我这么一位普通的一线研究者和土博士而言,成绩是来之不易的。毕竟所有的具体研究工作都是自己做的,更何况又是工程类专业,影响因子通常相对比较低,而土博士自然在语言方面也很难与美国博士比。由于成绩比较显著,我到美国四年半的时候就获得个人永久居民身份(按杰出人才EB1a类别申请),也得到老板的赏识。此外,由于我的上述两篇论文在Top 25 Hottest Articles上榜(按读者下载文章次数多少排名)并持续很多个季度,引起好几个出版社的关注,我们荣幸地被多家出版社邀请编写或编辑相关书籍。因时间和精力所限,我们只接受了Wiley出版社的邀请,编辑Separation and purification technologies in biorefineries这本书 (已完成,今年3月出书: http://www.amazon.com/Separation-Purification-Technologies-Biorefineries-Ramaswamy/dp/0470977965)。另外,我们还经常被多种期刊编辑约稿。



2)保持敬业精神,刻苦钻研,持之以恒。我博士期间主要侧重于反应器控制方面的实验部分以及测控硬件集成和软件设计,对于纯粹化工背景的人,从事测控硬件集成和软件设计,需要花大量的时间和精力进行边学边用,刻苦钻研,我一周七天都投入了进去,最后按时顺利地完成了整个软硬件测控系统的设计。2003-2004年我考国家公派出国去新西兰研究一年,我那段时间也一直是埋头苦干,有时晚上和周末还自个儿去试验室加班。直到一年快结束时才放下研究工作去旅游了几天。我出国前就计划好要充分利用留学机会弄出一些科研成果。尽管由于留学时间较短(1年),很难得到满意的实验结果,但经过努力我还是参加了一个会议、发表了一篇综述论文,还与两位在读研究生合作进行一些计算机模拟,当时并不指望得到什么合作文章(我并不是学术功利主义),但后来他们发表研究论文时都没有忘记我对计算机模拟的贡献,帮助我额外增加了两篇的合作论文。国家公派没有对我们公派生有任何定量的成果要求,但我仍然非常敬业地工作,收获了令自己满意的成果,同时还得到课题组负责陈教授的认可。20059月得以来美国做博士后,归功于陈教授的帮助,正是他提供给我该博士后职位招聘的宝贵信息。来美国的前一年,我有幸与我的一位师兄进行了一个石油化工过程的模拟与优化,我负责计算机模拟工作,我一如既往地认真负责,为使用过程流程模拟软件(Aspen Plus)积累了宝贵的经验,当然我博士阶段的计算机应用水平的提高也使我运用该模拟软件起来更加得心应手。我05年来美国做博士后的职位正是关于使用Aspen Plus进行计算机模拟的项目(只是具体研究对象不同而已)。简而言之,事物都是相关的,只要你保持敬业精神,刻苦钻研,并持之以恒,对每项课题认真负责(而不是“应付”),力争做好每一件事,那么一旦机会出现,你就会容易抓住。









[] 2004年以来的代表性论文 

(1) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy. Thermodynamic analysis of black liquor steam gasification. BioResources, 6(3), 3210-3230, 2011. [IF = 1.418 (2010)]

(2) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, W. Al-Dajani, U. Tschirner. Process modeling and analysis of pulp mill-based integrated biorefinery with hemicellulose pre-extraction for ethanol production: A comparative study. Bioresource Technology. 101(2): 624-631, 2010. [IF = 4.98 (2011); SCI Citations = 20]

(3) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, W. Al-Dajani, U. Tschirner, and R.A. Cairncross. Effect of biomass species and plant size on cellulosic ethanol: A comparative process and economic analysis. Biomass and Bioenergy. 33(2): 234-246, 2009. [IF = 3.646 (2011); SCI Citations = 37]

It was ranked No.6 (Jan.-Mar. 2009), No.5 (Apr.-Jun. 2009), No.11 (Jul.-Sep. 2009), No.16 (Oct.-Dec. 2009) of the Top 25 Hottest Articles in the journal, e.g.,

No. 6 Jan.-Mar. 2009 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/energy/11/journal/biomass-and-bioenergy/09619534/archive/21/

No.5 Apr.-Jun. 2009 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/energy/11/journal/biomass-and-bioenergy/09619534/archive/22/

No.11 Jul.-Sep. 2009 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/energy/11/journal/biomass-and-bioenergy/09619534/archive/23/

No.16 Oct.-Dec. 2009 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/energy/11/journal/biomass-and-bioenergy/09619534/archive/24/

(4) H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy. Modeling biomass gasification using thermodynamic equilibrium approach. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 154(1-3):14-25, 2009. [IF = 1.943 (2011); SCI Citations = 11]

(5) H.-J. Huang, W. Lin, S. Ramaswamy, and U. Tschirner. Process modeling of comprehensive integrated forest biorefinery - An integrated approach. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 154(1-3):26-37, 2009. [IF = 1. 943 (2011); SCI Citations = 5]

(6) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, U.W. Tschirner and B.V. Ramarao. A review of separation technologies in current and future biorefineries, Separation and Purification Technology. 62(1):1-21, 2008. [IF= 2. 921 (2011); SCI Citations = 124]

It has been ranked No.1 of the Top 25 Hottest Articles in the journal in most quarters since its publication:

NO.1 Jan. Mar. 2008 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/15/

NO.1 Apr. Jun. 2008 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/18/

NO.1 Jul. Sep. 2008 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/19/

No.1 Oct. - Dec. 2008 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/20/

NO.1 Jan. Mar. 2009 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/21/

NO.1 Apr. Jun. 2009 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/22/

NO.1 Jul. Sep. 2009 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/23/

No.1 Oct. - Dec. 2009 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/24/

NO.1 Jan. Mar. 2010 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/26/

NO.1 Apr. Jun. 2010 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/27/

NO.2 Jul. Sep. 2010 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/28/

No.1 Oct. - Dec. 2010 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/30/

NO.1 Jan. Mar. 2011 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/31/

NO.2 Apr. Jun. 2011 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/33/

NO.3 Jul. Sep. 2011 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/34/

No.4 Oct. - Dec. 2011 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/35/

NO.1 Jan. Mar. 2012 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/38/

NO.1 Apr. Jun. 2012 http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/39/

NO.4 Jul. Sep. 2012  http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/chemical-engineering/5/journal/separation-and-purification-technology/13835866/archive/40/

(7) H.-J. Huang, X.D. Chen, and W.-K. Yuan. Microencapsulation based on emulsification for producing pharmaceutical products: a literature review. Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing (Current journal name changed as: Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering), 14, 3-4, 515-544, 2006. [IF = 0.758 (2011)]

(8) H.-J. Huang, G.-B. Wu, J. Yang, Y.-C. Dai, W.-K. Yuan, and H.-B. Lu. Modeling of gas-solid chemisorption in chemical heat pumps, Separation and Purification Technology, 34, 191–200, 2004. [IF = 2.921 (2011); SCI Citations = 12]

(9) B. Zhang, H.-J. Huang, and S. Ramaswamy. Kinetics Study on Hydrothermal Liquefaction of High diversity Grassland Perennials. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and  Environmental Effects. 34(18): 1676-1687, 2012. [IF = 0.84 (2010)]

(10) B. Zhang, H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy. Reaction kinetics of the hydrothermal treatment of lignin. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 147(1-3):119-131, 2008. [IF = 1. 943 (2011); SCI Citations = 11]

(11) Xinhai Yu, Zhendong Wang, and Huajiang Huang. Investigation on methanol steam reforming in a microchannel reactor by experiments and mathematical model analysis. International Journal of Green Energy. 5(4): 281-296, 2008. [IF = 1.188 (2011); SCI Citations = 5]

(12) H. Huang, M. Su-Ling Brooks, H.-J. Huang, and X. D. Chen. Inactivation Kinetics of Yeast Cells during Infrared Drying. Drying Technology, 27: 1060–1068, 2009.  [IF = 2.084 (2011); SCI Citations = 2]

(13) X.D. Chen, H.-J. Huang, and A.G. Ghani. Thermal sterilization of liquid foods in a sealed container – developing simple correlations to account for natural convection, International Journal of Food Engineering. 1(1), Article 5, 2005. http://www.bepress.com/ijfe/vol1/iss1/art5. [IF = 0.463 (2011); ; SCI Citations = 7]

(14) Z.-M. Cheng, Z.-M. Zhou, H.-J. Huang, P.-Q. Yuan and D. Yang. Simulation of an industrial trickle bed hydrogenation reactor in the pulsing flow regime. Int. J. Engineering Systems Modeling and Simulation, 1(4), 211-221, 2009.



(1) Hua-Jiang Huang and Shri Ramaswamy. Overview of Biomass Conversion Processes and Separation and Purification Technologies in Biorefineries. in Separation and Purification Technologies in Biorefineries. Eds., Shri Ramaswamy, Huajiang Huang, Bandrau Ramarao. Wiley, March 2013.

(2) S. Ramaswamy, H.-J. Huang, B. Ramarao, ed. Separation and purification technologies in biorefineries, Wiley, March 2013 (Invited book editor, in press)

(3) H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy, Separation and Purification of Phytochemicals as Co-Products in Biorefineries. in Biorefinery Co-Products: Phytochemicals, Primary Metabolites and Value-Added Biomass Processing. Eds. J. Carrier, S. Ramaswamy, C. Bergeron. Wiley, 2012 (Invited book chapter, peer-reviewed).

(4) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, U. W. Tschirner and B.V. Ramarao. Separation and purification processes for lignocelluloses-to-bioalcohol production. In: Bioalcohol production Biochemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass. Keith Waldron (Ed.), Institute of Food Research, Norwich, UK, 2010.

(5) 黄华江编著, 实用化工计算机模拟MATLAB在化学工程中的应用,化学工业出版社,北京, 2004.





(1) H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy, Separation and Purification of Biobutanol in Biorefineries. International Conference on Biomass-Energy Technologies (ICBT) 2012 - Joint with AIChE’s Symposium and Centennial commemoration series for national forestry research institution in China. Nanjing, China. October 22-24, 2012.


(2) H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy, Separation and Purification of Biobutanol During Bioconversion of Biomass. 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 16-21, 2011.

(3) H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy, Separation and Purification of Value-Added Co-Products In Biorefinery. 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 16-21, 2011.

(4) Justin T. Kaffenberger, Huajiang Huang, Ulrike Tschirner, Ben Schroeder, Waleed Al-dajani and Shri Ramaswamy. Modeling the Hydrolytic Degradation and Distribution of Polymer Species In Biopolymers. 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 16-21, 2011.

(5) H-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy. Simulation of combustion and gasification of biomass including agricultural and forest residues and pulp mill black liquor using FactSage. 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting. Nashville, Tennessee. November 8 -13, 2009.

(6) Jian Shi, Bin Yang, Charles E. Wyman, Shri Ramaswamy and Huajiang Huang, The potential of cellulosic ethanol production from municipal solid waste: a technical and economic evaluation. 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting. Nashville, Tennessee. November 8 -13, 2009. 

(7) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, W. Wafa Al-Dajani, U. Tschirner. Integrated biorefinery approach in a conventional kraft pulp mill using hemicellulose pre-extraction for ethanol production (oral presentation). The 2008 AIChE Annual Meeting - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 16 -21, 2008.

(8) H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy. Simulation of pulp mill black liquor gasification with gibbs free energy minimization approach (oral presentation). The 2008 AIChE Annual Meeting - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 16 -21, 2008. 

(9) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, W. Wafa Al-Dajani, U. Tschirner. Comparative study of pulp mill-based integrated biorefinery. E3 2008: The Midwest’s Premier Energy, Economic and Environmental Conference. Saint Paul, USA, Nov. 18, 2008. 

(10) H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy. Modeling of biomass gasifier based on thermodynamic equilibrium. 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, May 4 - May 7, 2008, New Orleans, USA. 

(11) H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy. Integrated forest biorefining: a new modeling approach, 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, May 4 - May 7, 2008, New Orleans, USA.

(12) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, W. Wafa Al-Dajani, U. Tschirner. Integrated biorefining: a comprehensive modeling approach. 6th annual Biobased Industry Outlook Conference at Iowa State University, Ames, USA, September 7-10, 2008.

(13) H.-J. Huang, B. Zhang and S. Ramaswamy. Kinetics study on high-diversity grassland perennials liquefaction. 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. May 4 - May 7, 2008, New Orleans, USA. 

(14) H.-J. Huang, W. Lin, and S. Ramaswamy. Integrated forest biorefining – a new modeling approach. A Webinar sponsored by the AIChE Forest Bioproducts Division, April 3 at noon CST, 2008

(15) H.-J. Huang, W. Lin, and S. Ramaswamy. Process modeling of integrated forest biorefinery – an integrated approach (oral presentation). The AIChE 2007 Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah, November 2007. 

(16) B. Zhang, H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy. Reaction kinetics of the hydrothermal treatment of lignin. The AIChE 2007 Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah, November 2007. 

(17) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, R.A. Cairncross, U.W. Tschirner and B.V. Ramarao, A critical review of separation methods and technologies in conventional and future biorefineries (oral presentation), 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, April 29 - May 2, 2007, Denver, USA. 

(18) W. Wafa AI-Dajani, H.-J. Huang, B. Zhang, etc., Liquid fuels from biomass: an integrated biorefinery approach. E3 2007: The Midwest’s Premier Energy, Economic and Environmental Conference. Minneapolis, USA, 2007.

(19) H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy, Biomass gasification thermodynamic equilibrium model. CFANS Solution-Driven Science Symposium - "Biofuels: Breaking the Barriers for Biomass Conversion - Challenges and Opportunities", Saint Paul, September 2007. 

(20) H.-J. Huang and S. Ramaswamy. Integrated forest biorefineries (presentation). Northeast CERTs (Clean Energy Resource Teams) Meeting, Duluth, USA, March 23th, 2007.

(21) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, W. Al-Dajani, U. Tschirner, and R. A. Cairncross. Techno-economic analysis of lignocellulose to fuel ethanol biorefinery (oral presentation), The AIChE 2006 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Nov. 2006. 

(22) Ramaswamy, S., H.-J. Huang, U. Tschirner, W. Al-Dajani, "Integrated biorefining - lignocelluloses to bio-fuels, fiber, energy and other products" (oral presentation), Norway Bioenergy Conference, Ost, Norway, September 2006.

(23) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, W. Al-Dajani, U. Tschirner and Richard Allan Cairncross. Effect of biomass species on lignocelluloses to ethanol: Process and Economic Analysis. IREE Research Symposium Poster. Fall 2006.

(24) H.-J. Huang, L. Liang, X. D. Chen. Emulsification based microencapsulation technology – a brief review. Joint SCENZ/FEANZ/SMNZI Conference 2004: “Engineering Revolutions”, July 2, 2004, pp.210-215, Hamilton, New Zealand.



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