RE: What do these tell us more than we've known already?
very good question: however, if it is known info, it confirms its validity
日期: 01/01/2013 11:11:49
it builds the users' (and developers') confidence in the automatic summerization of the computer processing of the data, which is important for
(1) no news is good news: the investigator can sleep better in the night
when something strange or surprising shows up, you will be curious to know why
and that might turn out to be very insightful (or that is a bug)
(2) also keep in mind topic A is obvious to you but may not be so obvious to others
(3) not every research topic ends up with novel intelligence and that is ok: when we find nothing new in topic A research because it is a familiar topic to us, we might find topic B very insightful or provides new intelligence