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Over thepast five years, I have written various blog articles about academic careerbased on my own 51 years of experience both in the US and in China. These aresign posts on the academic highway. However, I realized that linking these signposts together in a coherent sequence could provide a complete road map frombeginning graduate student to final retirement. I do this here for the benefitof scholars, young, midlife, and oldalike.
1. In the graduate school. Here you are dealing with questions of applying foradmission, finding the right advisor/mentor, on how to do research, learning tobe an independent researcher. Following are the relevant blog articles.
For Students studying abroad - Western Customsto Know (II)
For Students going abroad to study - WesternCustoms You Need to Know
On Research and Ph.D Education #5 - Sabbaticaland Supervision
How to Supervise Yourself (怎么自导博士论文)
Youthful confusion, and loss offaith and incentives.
See also Q&A with students articles under #4 below
2. Postdoctoral positions. You need to venture out from your comfort zone to theoutside scholarly world after your Ph.D to absorb new ideas and culture. Thisis the how-to article
3. The Academic Ladder and Tenure. You start with the first academicposition of assistant professor (or lecturer in China). Tenure decisions aremade at associate or full professor level. What are the important considerationin getting your lifetime job?
How did I get my lifetime job-我是如何获得我的终身职业的
4. Your Professional Obligations and Building Your World-wideReputation. What arethe things you do for the next 30-40 years after you achieved tenure? What ismeant to be world class?
On Finding A Professional Home
How to get a paper published - 关于论文发表(原文及译文)
How to make comments in meetings 在会议上發言(原文及译文)
My personal opinion aboutco-authorship
On Research and Education (#12) – Frustrationand Epiphany
On Research and Education (#11) Changing ResearchDirection and Field of Endeavor
On ideas, writing, and presentation
Question and Answer Sessionswith Tsinghua Students (II)
Question and Answer Sessions with Tsinghua Students
As well asarticles in #3
5. The End Game and Active Retirement. How to wind up your career and remainengaged
On the End Stage of Life - 少年人的天堂, 中年人的战场, 老年人的坟墓(中英对照)
1959-2009 Half Century of Research and Education and the 48th IEEEConference on Decision and Control
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