科学边缘人罗德海教授分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ldh 中国科学院大气物理研究所研究员,四川人.研究方向:气候动力学,大气动力学


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已有 42101 次阅读 2012-4-7 10:38 |个人分类:科研心得|系统分类:观点评述| 论文, office, 通讯





 Luo, D., 2005: A barotropic envelope Rossby soliton model for block-eddy interaction. Part I: Effect of topography, J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 5-21.

Luo, D., 2005: A barotropic envelope Rossby soliton model for block-eddy interaction. Part II: Role of westward-traveling planetary waves, J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 22-40.

Luo, D., 2005: A barotropic envelope Rossby soliton model for block-eddy interaction. Part III: Wavenumber conservation theorems for isolated blocks and deformed eddies, J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 3839-3859

Luo, D. 2005: A barotropic envelope Rossby soliton model for block-eddy interaction. Part IV: Block activity and its linkage with sheared environment, J. Atmos. Sci. 62, 3860-3884

Luo, D., 2005: Interaction between envelope soliton vortex pair block and synoptic-scale eddies in an inhomogeneous baroclinicity environment, Quart. J. Roy. Meteoro. Soc., 131, 125-154.

 Luo, D., 2005: Why is the North Atlantic block more frequent and long-lived during the negative NAO phase, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L20804, doi:10, 1029/ 2005GL022927.

 Luo D.and H. Wan, 2005: Decadal variability of wintertime North Atlantic and Pacific blockings: A possible c ause, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L23810, doi: 10. 1029/2005 GL024329.


Luo D. and Z. Chen, 2006: The role of land-sea topography in blocking formation in a block-eddy interaction model, J. Atmos. Sci.633056-3065

Luo, D., A., R. Lupo and H. Wan, 2007a: Dynamics of eddy-driven low- frequency dipole modes. Part I: A simple model of North Atlantic Oscillations. J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 3-28.

Luo, D., T. Gong and A., R. Lupo, 2007b: Dynamics of eddy-driven low- frequency dipole modes. Part II: Free mode characteristics of NAO and diagnostic study. J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 29-51.

Luo, D., T. Gong and Y. Diao, 2007c: Dynamics of eddy-driven low-frequency dipole modes. Part III: Meridional shifts of westerly jet anomalies during two phases of NAO. J. Atmos. Sci. 643232-3243

Luo, D., T. Gong and Y. Diao, 2008: Dynamics of eddy-driven low-frequency dipole modes. Part IV: Planetary and synoptic wave breaking processes during the NAO life cycle. J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 737-765.

Luo, D., T. Gong and L. Zhong, 2008b: Dynamical relationship between the phase of North Atlantic Oscillations and meridional excursion of a preexisting jet: An analytical study. J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 1838-1858

Luo, D., Z. Zhu, R. Ren, L. Zhong and C. Wang, 2010a: Spatial pattern and zonal shift of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Part I: A dynamical interpretation. J. Atmos. Sci.672805-2826

Luo, D., L. Zhong, R. Ren and C. Wang, 2010b: Spatial pattern and zonal shift of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Part II: Numerical experiments. J. Atmos. Sci.67, 2827-2853

Luo, D., Y. Diao and S. Feldstein, 2011: The variability of the Atlantic storm track activity and North Atlantic Oscillations: A link between intraseasonal and interannual variability, J. Atmos. Sci., 68, 577-601.

Luo, D., W. Zhou, and K. Wei, 2010: Dynamics of eddy-driven North Atlantic Oscillations in a localized shifting jet: zonal structure and downstream blocking, Climate dynamics,34, 73-100. DOI 10.1007 /s00382-009- 0559-y.

Luo, D., T. Gong , Y. Diao and W. Zhou, 2007: Storm tracks and Annular Modes. Geophys. Res. Lett.., 34, L1780110.1029/2007GL030436.

Luo, D.  and T. Gong, 2006: A possible mechanism for the eastward shift of interannual NAO action centers in last three decades. Geophy. Res. Lett., 33, L24815, doi:10.1029 /2006G L027860.


Y. Diao, J. Li and D. Luo, 2006: A new blocking index and its application: Blocking action in the Northern Hemisphere, J. Climate, 19, 4819-4839.

Wang, Y., S. Li, and D. Luo, 2009, Seasonal response of Asian monsoonal climate to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D02112, doi:10.1029/2008 JD010929

T. Gong, S. B. Feldstein and D. Luo, 2010: The impact of ENSO on wave breaking and Southern annular mode events. J. Atmos. Sci. , 67, 2854-2870






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