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三类(或三代)文献计量学评价指标 精选

已有 5941 次阅读 2011-6-16 22:06 |个人分类:科学计量学研究|系统分类:观点评述




Henk Moed Andrew PlumeResearch Trend 2011年第5期发表的The multi-dimensional research assessment matrix(多维科研评价矩阵)一文(http://www.researchtrends.com/issue23-may-2011/the-multi-dimensional-research-assessment-matrix/)中列出了一个表格,概括出三类(或三代)文献计量学评价指标。


指标类型(代) 描述 典型例子
第一代 基本指标;这些指标较容易从用了几十年的数据源中获得 论文数;引文数;期刊影响力测度
第二代 相对指标或标准化指标,克服了某些偏倚(例如,不同学科领域的引用习惯不同) 相对的(或按照学科领域标准化了的)引用率
第三代 基于先进的网络分析,采用诸如网络中心度这样的参数 影响力权重;SCImago 期刊排序;“威望”指标



  • Relative citation rates(相对引用率). The relative, field-normalised citation rate is based on the notion that citation frequencies differ significantly between subject fields. For instance, authors in molecular biology publish more frequently and cite each other more often than do authors in mathematics. In its simplest form the indicator is defined as the average citation rate of a unit’s papers divided by the world citation average in the subject fields in which the unit is active.
  • Influence weights(影响力权重). Pinski and Narin (1976) developed an important methodology for determining citation-based influence measures of scientific journals and (sub-)disciplines. One of their methodology’s key elements is that it assigns a higher weight to citations from a prestigious journal than to a citation from a less prestigious or peripheral journal.
  • Google PageRank(谷歌的“网页排序”算法). Pinski and Narin’s ideas also underlie Google’s measure of PageRank. The “value” of a web page is measured by the number of other web pages linking to it, but in this value assessment links from pages that are themselves frequently linked to have a higher weight than links from those to which only few other pages have linked.
  • Other studies. Similar notions may play an important role in the further development of citation impact measures. Good examples are the work by Bollen et al. (2006) on journal status, and the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) developed by the SCImago group (González-Pereira et al., 2010), one of the two journal metrics included into Scopus.





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