题目是:Giant superfluorescent bursts from a semiconductor magneto-plasma
This is the first observation of superfluorescence in a dense semiconductor plasma, where decoherence is much faster than radiative decay, a situation never encountered in atomic cases.
Here, we present an extreme form of superradiance—superfluorescence6.... Although optically excited semiconductors have attracted continuing interest for many years through endless discoveries associated withhigh-density electron–hole pairs, excitons and polaritons 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, the phenomenon we report here has never been observed.
Superfluorescence has been observed in atomic gases15, 16 and rarefied impurities in glasses and crystals17,18, 19, but no direct evidence has been reported for superfluorescence using carriers in semiconductors.
An accelerated radiative decay of excitons was observed in ref. 26, which the authors interpreted as superfluorescence from a Bose–Einstein condensate of excitons bound to defects.
ScienceDaily (Jan. 30, 2012) — In a flash, the world changed for Tim Noe -- and for physicists who study what they call many-body problems. The Rice University graduate student was the first to see, in the summer of 2010, proof of a theory that solid-state materials are capable of producing an effect known as superfluorescence.
The first to see clues that superfluorescence could exist in solid materials was Rice graduate students Tim Noe, during an investigation he conducted in 2010. He and his colleagues at the time were studying so-called many-body problems.
For the first time ever, superfluorescence has been observed in a solid-state material. Previously this phenomenon had only been seen in molecular and atomic gases.