化学生物学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ChemBio



已有 11192 次阅读 2008-10-5 12:33 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:科研笔记

97年还是一个本科生的时候,我就对当时刚刚兴起的化学生物学非常感兴趣。在南京大学,最接近化学生物学的研究组是唐雯霞先生领导的生物无机化学。所以我本科毕业之后就选择了保送唐老师的组做硕士。当时由于条件的限制我们只能做一些生物酶的模拟,通过合成一些含金属离子的无机配合物。02年硕士毕业后,我有幸到斯坦福大学化学系Chaitan Khosla教授组学习生物有机化学,才真正学到一些生物的实验,才知道antibiotics和antibody的区别,才平生run了第一块gel。但是这仍然不是hardcore chemical biology。06年博士毕业后,我决定做真正的化学生物学,于是选择了加州理工学院的Linda Hsieh-Wilson实验室做博士后。我才接触到真正的化学生物学,动物实验,dissection, primary culture 等等。无机化学->生物无机化学->生物有机化学->化学生物学,10年科研训练,这是一条很长的路。



Academic Position:                 Assistant Professor in Department of Chemistry at the Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong (starting from December, 2008)

Education:       2002-2006       Ph.D. in chemistry

                                                Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

                        1999-2002       M.S. in chemistry 南京大学大学化学系硕士

                                                Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

1995-1999           B.S. Department for Intensive Instruction (DII)


                                                Nanjing University, Nanjing, China,

Position held: 2007- 2008      Postdoctoral fellow

                                                California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA

                        2007- 2008      Research Associate

                                                Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD, USA

Awards:          John Stauffer Memorial Fellowship, Stanford Univ., 2003

BASF Award, BASF China Ltd, 2001

BaoSteel National Scholarship, BaoSteel Group, China 1999

Huayin Scholarship, Changzhou City, China, 1995-1999

Research Experience:

In Prof. Linda Hsieh-Wilson lab at Caltech: (1) Discovery of sulfation code in chondroitin sulfate mediated neuronal inhibition; (2) Monoclonal antibody against CS as a therapeutic to promote neuronal regeneration after spinal cord injury.

In Prof. Chaitan Khosla lab at Stanford: (1) Peptide based therapeutics for Celiac Sprue (gluten intolerant enteropathy); (2) Mechanistic study of MHC class II mediated antigen presentation in autoimmune diseases using chemical biological tools.

In Prof. Wenxia Tang lab at Nanjing University: synthetic mimetics of copper-zinc superoxide peroxidase (Cu, Zn-SOD) and Zn containing hydrolases.

Representative Publications:

1. Xia, J.; Gama, C. I.; Chen, D. F.; Hsieh-Wilson, L. C. in preparation

2.    Siegel, M.*; Xia, J.*; Khosla, C. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 2007, 15, 6253-61 (*equal contribution).

3.    Xia, J.*; Bergseng, E.*; Siegel, M.; Fleckenstein, B.; Kim, C. Y.; Sollid, L. M.; Khosla, C. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 2007, 15, 6565-73 (*equal contribution).

4.    Xia, J.; Siegel, M.; Bergseng, E.; Sollid, L. M.; Khosla, C. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006, 128, 1859-67.

5.    Bergseng, E.; Xia, J.; Kim, C. Y.; Khosla, C.; Sollid, L. M. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2005, 280, 21791-6.

6.    Xia, J.; Sollid, L. M.; Khosla, C. Biochemistry 2005, 44, 4442-9.

7.    Xia, J.; Shi, Y. B.; Zhang, Y.; Miao, Q.; Tang, W. X. Inorganic Chemistry 2003, 42, 70-77.

8.   Li, S.A.; Xia, J.; Yang, D.X.; Xu, Y.; Li, D.F.; Wu, M. F.; Tang, W. X. Inorganic Chemistry 2002, 41, 1807-1815.

9.    Xia, J.; Xu, Y.; Li, S. A.; Sun, W. Y.; Yu, K. B.; Tang, W. X. Inorganic Chemistry 2001, 40, 2394-2401.

10.   Xia, J.; Li, S.A.; Shi, Y.B.; Yu, K.B.; Tang, W.X. Journal of the Chemical Society-Dalton Transactions 2001, 14, 2109-2115.


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