美国工业和应用数学学会(SIAM) 于二十世纪五十年代前期在美国成立,是一个以促进应用和计算数学的研究、发展、应用为目的的协会。第二次世界大战刚结束不久,包括军事工业在内的许多工业部门提出大量课题,希望定量解决;另一方面,电子计算机自诞生后,发展迅速,为解决应用数学问题提供了有力的工具.在这种情况下,许多数学工作者走出书斋,迎接工业领域中各种问题的挑战,虽然美国数学学会AMS(American Mathematical Society)已成立半个多世纪, 但当时该协会主要由数学工作者组成,兴趣偏重于纯粹数学,于是SIAM应运而生. SIAM的成员已经从1950年代初几百人发展到2013年14000多人,以肯定他们在应用数学和计算科学领域理论及应用方面做出的杰出贡献。我们熟知的美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM)的举办是得到了SIAM的支持。
Problems and Solutions
Edited by Cecil C. Rousseau
Collaborating Editors: Giles Auchmuty, Jonathan Borwein, Philip Korman, Michael Renardy, and Richard Stong
All problems and solutions should be sent to Cecil C. Rousseau, Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Memphis, Campus Box 526429, Memphis, Tennessee 38152-6429. Fax: (901) 678-2480 E-mail: ccrousse@memphis.edu
Electronic submission is encouraged, with the document prepared in LaTeX, if possible. Preference is given to problems motivated by questions from science or industry. Whenever possible, a brief description of the problem background should be included.
A link followed by "(Solved)" means that the problem has at least one solution posted, but other solutions are still being accepted.
Algebra (4)
Classical Analysis (37) (Updated October 9, 2012)
Geometry (2)
Optimization (1)
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