水之魂 (The Soul of Water)分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ecqsun 《价键弛豫》《计量谱学》《氢键规则》《水合反应》


冰之魂3: 压致反常氢键与声子动力学:实/虚键长/短且弱/强化

已有 3839 次阅读 2011-9-20 00:49 |个人分类:水之魂|系统分类:科研笔记

1 实键高频拉曼模式发生红移;而虚键低频拉曼模式发生蓝移;
2 初步研究表明:高压使冰的虚键变短而强使实键变长而弱;理论期盼与计算和实测一致;
3 深入研究正在进行,待续。。。
Hydrogen bond relaxation dynamics and the associated anamolies of frozen H2O upon compression

Fig 1 Comparison of MD-calculated  with the measured H+/p : O2- stiffening (<500 cm-1) and the H+/p -O2-  softening Raman mode (3300-3600 cm-1).

Fig 2 Length correlation between the real "-" bond and the virtual ":" bond. unpublished. 

The evolution of the O-H and O:H distances in a 32- molecules unit cell of ice-VIII under pressure from 1 to 20 GPa was dynamically relaxed in constant pressure, constant enthalpy (NPH) ensemble for 30ps. The O-H and O:H lengths were taken average of the structures of the last 10ps (20,000 steps).


上一篇:冰之魂2: 水分子团簇粘滞高熔点:实键短且强, 虚键长而刚
下一篇:冰之魂4: 压致介电强化和相变温度下降:实键软化主导
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6 张希 杨学弦 秦伟 姜如 郭念贵 wenyu4

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