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已有 10096 次阅读 2012-6-15 10:54 |系统分类:论文交流| 认知无线电, 文章推荐


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Jinlong Wang, Han Han, Qihui Wu, Yuhua Xu, Optimal Wideband Spectrum Sensing Order in Cognitive Radio,  Frequenz, issue 7/8, 2010.


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Shu-Ping Yeh, Shilpa Talwar, Geng Wu, Nageen Himayat, And Kerstin Johnsson,” Capacity And Coverage Enhancement In Heterogeneous Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications, June 2011,pp.32-38


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Sharma, S.; Shi, Y.; Hou, Y.T.; Sherali, H.D.; Kompella, S.; Midkiff, S.F.; , "Joint Flow Routing and Relay Node Assignment in Cooperative Multi-Hop Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.30, no.2, pp.254-262, February 2012;


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Lei Ding, Tommaso Melodia, Stella N. Batalama, John D. Matyjas, and Michael J. Medley , “Cross-layer Routing and Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. X, NO. X, XXXX 2010 ;


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