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已有 1101 次阅读 2021-7-22 20:56 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载


本文为土耳其中东技术大学(作者:MEHMET CANVER)的硕士论文,共133页。






In this research work a 30 kW gridconnected voltage source three-phase inverter with SiC MOSFET module has beendesigned and implemented, in order to work with a phase-shifted full bridge(PSFB) maximum power point tracker (MPPT) converter, in such a way that thesetwo converters compose a full system solution. The emergence of commercial SiCbased power MOSFETs, which have short turnon and turn-off times, has enabled toincrease switching frequency as compared to traditional Si based switchingcomponents. This circumstance was one the main motives of this thesis in thescopes of increasing the switching frequency, in order to reduce passivecomponent volumes of inverter such as LCL filter and DC link capacitor volume,decreasing losses which leads to reduce the heat sink volume and having betterefficiency. Designed and implemented inverter had been operated in the fieldwith PSFB MPPT converter, energized by 23.75 kW total installed capacity solararrays. Output characteristics had been investigated, and in the grid connectedclose loop mode various powers up to 22.32 kW had been transferred into grid.Inverter switching characteristics, drain-source voltage, unfiltered linecurrent and zero voltage switching phenomenon were examined with the change ofdead time and output line current. Total harmonic distortion had been recordedat various output powers, and a minimum THD value of 3.84% had been obtained atmaximum output power of 22.32 kW. Experimental efficiency values was calculatedfrom various recorded input and output powers. 98.55% peak efficiency at halfof rated output power and 98% efficiency at peak output power had beenobtained.


1.  引言

2. 光伏系统和三相逆变器综述

3. 三相并网逆变器的工作原理、分析与控制

4. 三相并网逆变器的设计与实现

5. 三相并网逆变器的实验结果

6. 结论与未来展望



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