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已有 1402 次阅读 2020-8-30 18:05 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为美国爱荷华州立大学(作者:Theresa Marie Driscoll)的硕士论文,共71页。






The problem of finding a collision-freepath through a region has garnered a lot of research over the years. One branchof this is the problem of finding a path that completely covers a region.Solutions to the complete coverage path planning problem have applications inmany different areas, such as search and rescue, automotive painting, andagriculture. In many cases, it is not sufficient to find any route thatcompletely covers the field. It is desired that the path also be optimal so asto minimize certain costs. This is especially true in the agriculturalenvironment. In the area of precision farming alone, the complete coverage pathplanning problem exists while performing many different operations, such asharvesting, seeding, spraying, applying fertilizer, and tillage. Thefundamental concern of farmers is reducing the costs of running the farm. Sincemost farming costs ultimately depend on time in the field and area covered, themore efficient an operation can be completed, the lower the costs. Optimalityis thus typically in terms of finding the shortest complete coverage paththrough the field. In this paper, we present an O(n 2 ) algorithm for solvingthe optimal complete coverage problem on a field boundary with n sides. Thismulti-phase algorithm makes use of a plane-sweep algorithm to subdivide thefield into smaller, trapezoidal regions. The optimal paths through thesubregions are then calculated. Finally there is a merge phase where it isdetermined whether neighboring regions can be more efficiently covered if theywere merged together than if they were left separate.


1. 引言

2. 代价公式

3. 算法设计

4. 实验与结果

5. 结论



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