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已有 1807 次阅读 2019-8-26 10:48 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为美国路易斯安那州立大学(作者:Zhongshan Wu)的博士论文,共141页。








In this new information age, high data rate and strong reliabilityfeatures our wireless communication systems and is becoming the dominant factorfor a successful deployment of commercial networks. MIMO-OFDM (multiple inputmultiple outputorthogonal frequency division multiplexing), a new wirelessbroadband technology, has gained great popularity for its capability of highrate transmission and its robustness against multi-path fading and otherchannel impairments. A major challenge to MIMO-OFDM systems is how to obtainthe channel state information accurately and promptly for coherent detection ofinformation symbols and channel synchronization. In the flrst part, thisdissertation formulates the channel estimation problem for MIMO-OFDM systemsand proposes a pilot-tone based estimation algorithm. A complex equivalentbaseband MIMO-OFDM signal model is presented by matrix representation. Bychoosing equally-spaced and equally-powered pilottones from sub-carriers in one OFDM symbol, adown-sampled version of the original signal model is obtained. Furthermore,this signal model is transformed into a linear form solvable for the LS(least-square) estimation algorithm. Based on the resultant model, a simplepilot-tone design is proposed in the form of a unitary matrix, whose rows standfor different pilot-tone sets in the frequency domain and whose columnsrepresent distinct transmit antennas in the spatial domain. From the analysisand synthesis of the pilot-tone design in this dissertation, our estimation algorithmcan reduce the computational complexity inherited in MIMO systems by the factthat the pilot-tone matrix is essentially a unitary matrix, and is proven an optimalchannel estimator in the sense of achieving the minimum MSE (mean squared error)of channel estimation for a flxed power of pilot tones. In the second part,this dissertation addresses the wireless location problem in WiMax (worldwideinteroperability for microwave access) networks, which is mainly based on theMIMO-OFDM technology. From the measurement data of TDOA (time difierence ofarrival), AOA (angle of arrival) or a combination of those two, a quasilinearform is formulated for an LS-type solution. It is assumed that the observation datais corrupted by a zero-mean AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise) with a very smallvariance. Under this assumption, the noise term in the quasi-liner form isproved to hold a normal distribution approximately. Hence the ML(maximum-likelihood) estimation and the LS-type solution are equivalent. Butthe ML estimation technique is not feasible here due to its computationalcomplexity and the possible nonexistence of the optimal solution. Our proposedmethod is capable of estimating the MS location very accurately with a muchless amount of computations. A final result of the MS (mobile station) locationestimation, however, cannot be obtained directly from the LS-type solutionwithout bringing in another independent constraint. To solve this problem, theLagrange multiplier is explored to flnd the optimal solution to the constrainedLS-type optimization problem.



2 MIMO-OFM信道估计





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