Control is hopeless分享 I just wonder how things are put together and then what happens


爱因斯坦有才就是任性 精选

已有 18505 次阅读 2015-4-19 01:28 |个人分类:唯恐天下不乱|系统分类:观点评述| 还是和中国没啥事

这篇博文对爱因斯坦1953年写给 J.S. Switzer 的那封信,做一个了断。

首先,爱因斯坦的 those steps and those discoveries 中的 those 就是 these。

从刘全慧老师推荐的1933年爱氏的演讲《关于理论物理的方法论》的英语用词就可看到,爱氏使用 these or those 未有一定之规。比如

A complete system of theoretical physics consists of concepts and basic laws to interrelate those concepts and of consequences to be derived by logical deduction.

再比如,爱在1950年《Out of My Later Years》书中有这样一句话: 

Now in mechanics the motion of material points is determined by the forces or fields of force acting upon them. Hence it was to be expected that those fields of force would also influence De Broglie's wave fields in an analogous way.

在此书里,还有使用 these 的情况:

This in particular is the case for the concepts of motion, space, time. The theory of relativity is that physical theory which is based on a consistent physical interpretation of these three concepts.

由此,我们和李约瑟一样,可以认定爱在那封信中 those steps and those discoveries 就是 these steps and these discoveries。这样爱氏信就是自封的了 (self-contained),不需要考虑 Switzer 写给爱氏信的背景了,只需考虑爱氏信中的上下文。显然,these steps 是指形式逻辑体系的 invention 和系统实验的 discovery 的两个步骤。

我在前面博文里,已经采用反证法证明 those discoveries or these discoveries 不会指向古代中国发明或发现。现在我来直接说明爱因斯坦用这些“发现”代表形式逻辑体系的 invention 和系统实验的 discovery。

刘全慧老师在其博文中提到,要想解密爱氏的这封信,我们必需要了解爱氏的用语习惯。下面,我们于是看看什么是爱因斯坦眼里的 invention and discovery。


If then it is the case that the axiomatic basis of theoretical physics cannot be an inference from experience, but must be free invention, have we any right to hope that we shall find the correct way?

这个自由发明,也被爱氏称为自由创造 free creation,比如在这里出现:

Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. (1938)



All great achievements of science must start from intuitive knowledge, namely, in axioms, from which deductions are then made.... Intuitionis the necessary condition for the discovery of such axioms. (1920. Quoted by Moszkowski, Conversations with Einstein, 180)




发明:Invention is not the product of logical thought, even though the final product is tied to a logical structure. (1955)


发现真的不是一个创造性活动:Discovery is really not a creative act. (1920)。

Be sure you take a good look at them; they are the most valuable discovery of my life. (To Arnold Sommerfeld, December 19, 1915) 这里 them 指爱氏文章中的公式,爱氏在说它们是他生命中最有价值的发现。

总之,爱氏眼里的发明是专指“free invention”,用于建立公理体系,非常偶然的情况下,有才任性的爱因斯坦也会将公理的出现称为 discovery。爱氏信中,形式逻辑体系就是指欧氏几何的公理体系,它由公理组成。这个体系的出现,爱氏称为发明,考虑到他偶尔也会将公理的出现称为 discovery,爱氏意指或默认这个体系的出现是发现也不奇怪。

本文的结论是:在爱因斯坦写给 J.S. Switzer 的那封信里,爱氏的 those discoveries 指代形式逻辑体系的 invention 和系统实验的 discovery, 所以用了复数,依旧和古代中国的发明或发现没有半毛关系。

注:以上英文出处除了《方法》和《Out of My Later Years》外,皆来自《The ultimate quotable Einstein》, collected and edited by Alice Calaprice, with a foreword by Freeman Dyson, Princeton University Press, 2011。这里引用爱氏的话,该书有详细出处。

注:以上英文可以认为是爱因斯坦的英文,而不是来自于德语翻译,即使是翻译,德文 these 和 those 不同。


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