


已有 7651 次阅读 2012-3-6 19:08 |系统分类:论文交流| 计算机, 半导体, 博物馆, 统计局, 实际应用


在曼彻斯特大学托姆 基尔伯恩教授手下学习,瑞查德 格瑞斯达尔和道格拉斯 韦伯,于1953年11月16号展示了一台晶体管计算机的原型。这台由卫星试验中心制造的48位的机器用了92个点相连的晶体管和550个二极管,装备到美国埃梯梯的联合王国的长途电话中继线装备。一代拥有250个晶体管结加强版于1955年完成。MV电子公司制造了具有六个单元结构,同样拥有该结构Metrovick 950已从1956年在公司内部实行商业推广。

在1954年,JEANH.FELKER领导一个包括工程师JAMES.R.HARRIS的来自贝尔实验室的研究小组为美国空军设计制造了一台全晶体管计算机,称之为TRADIC(晶体管电子计算机),该机包括大约700个点接触晶体管和10000个二极管。当该试验机型工作在1MHZ的频率下时,功耗仅不到100W。一个更轻的机载版本(飞行版TRADIC)使用了结形晶体管取代了在C-131飞机上用于导航和控制航弹空投的模拟计算机。由WILLIAM PAPIAN领导的来自麻省理工学院林肯实验室的先进技术发展小组的成员在1956年4月使用来自PHILCO公司的高速锗开关晶体管搭建了速度达5MHZ的通用计算机,也就是众所周知的TX-0(晶体管实验性型)。同样在1956年,日本的第一台通用计算机,ETL3型,使用了130个点接触晶体管和1800个二极管。这台机器是由位于东京的电子技术实验室的Hiroshi Wada领导研发的.


The SEAC computer operator's station


University of Manchester (UK) "Manchester TC" transistor computer


J. H. Felker and J. R. Harris work on the Bell Labs TRADIC computer


The RCA 501 computer, one of the first commercial transistorized machines in the U.S., was announced in 1958

 图四:RCA 501计算机,美国第一台商业晶体管计算机在1958年面世


译者:哈尔滨工业大学(威海)电子封装 090840115-刘金鑫

校对:哈尔滨工业大学(威海)电子封装 090840116-赵英建


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    1953 - Transistorized Computers Emerge

During the 1950s, semiconductor devices gradually replaced vacuum tubes in digital computers. By 1960 new designs were fully transistorized. Operational in April 1950, the National Bureau of Standards Eastern Automatic Computer (SEAC) employed 10,500 germanium diodes and 747 vacuum tubes.

Working under Tom Kilburn at Manchester University, Richard Grimsdale and Douglas Webb, demonstrated a prototype transistorized computer on November 16, 1953. The 48-bit machine used 92 point-contact transistors and 550 diodes fabricated by STC, the UK arm of ITT. An enhanced version with 250 junction transistors was completed in 1955. The Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Company manufactured six units as the Metrovick 950, which they used commercially within the company from 1956.

Jean H. Felker led a Bell Labs team including engineer James R. Harris that designed and built a fully transistorized computer dubbed TRADIC (TRAnsistor DIgital Computer) for the U. S. Air Force in 1954. Involving about 700 point-contact transistors and over 10,000 diodes, the prototype operated at 1 MHz while requiring less than 100 watts of power. A lighter airborne version (Flyable TRADIC) using junction transistors replaced an analog computer for navigation and bombing control in a C-131 aircraft. Led by William Papian, in April 1956 members of the Advanced Development Group of MIT Lincoln Labs used fast germanium switching transistors from Philco Corporation to build a 5 MHz general-purpose digital computer known as TX-0 (Transistor Experimental). Also in 1956, Japan’s first transistorized computer, the ETL Mark III, using 130 point-contact transistors and 1800 diodes was built under the direction of Hiroshi Wada at the Electrotechnical Laboratory in Tokyo.

上一篇:半导体里程_博物馆_1952 贝尔实验室授权晶体管技术
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