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冷泉港single cell analysis单细胞分析研讨会的相关内幕精华

已有 5059 次阅读 2011-8-10 00:29 |个人分类:文摘|系统分类:观点评述

George McNamara My favorites (in no order):

1. Jim Eberwine (Penn) reported some immature mRNA gets targeted to synapses by 'zip codes' in introns. splicing machinery exists in the synapse, the intron(s) get spliced, and protein made. Published work includes PubMed 21078998 and 21382548.

1. I already mentioned the OGT single cell array.

1. Lindsey M Costantini (works with Erik Snapp) had an excellent poster, "Single cell imaging approach to understanding homeostasis of the endoplasmic reticulum

environment: improving fluorescent proteins for the secretory pathway". For related work from same lab, see PubMed 21255213 (also various Snapp fluorescent protein reviews such as 19819147). ... note: I am a GFP aficionado, re: my thousand proteins of light PDF and Excel file at http://www.formatex.org/microscopy3/papers.htm ... if you prefer single cell transcriptomes, genomes and metabolomes, you should have gone to the meeting.

1. Takeharu Nagai, "Auto-luminescent imaging tools for combining use with optogenetic technology", spoke about "SuperStar" (improved Venus YFP-RLuc-8-X fusion protein) and "SuperBRAC", and a little about Nano-Cameleon. I will just mention that for anyone who has imaged firefly luciferase expressing cells in anesthetized mice on a Xenogen IVIS, that watching a video of a mouse recorded at 30 fps while wandering around in its cage is quite a change. I mentioned to Prof. Nagai that he should connect with Brian Rabinovich (MD Anderson Cancer Center - see Brian's PNAS paper, suppl. table) to improve RLuc (and maybe Venus) mRNA further.

1. I enjoyed the techno details and outcome of the talk by Sten Linnarsson, "Counting every mRNA molecule in single cells reveals allometric scaling of the

transcriptome". He mentioned the paper was coming out in Genome Research - see PubMed 21543516.

1. John D. McKinney, EPFL, had a terrific talk on mycobacteria (tuberculosis) single cell resistance mechanisms, "Individuality of bacterial responses to antibiotics". I did not see any single cell papers from him, so you will just have to keep an eye out for details as they get published.

1. I was familiar with most of the work by Takeaki Ozawa, "Real-time analysis of intracellular molecules and signaling using the protein fragment reconstitution techniques", but great to finally meet him (and Dr. Nagai, and Sunney Xie and Xiaowei Zhuang).

1. I may be a bit biased in this (have one, pssibility two nanoscope instrumentation grant proposals to submit in September, and hosting a Leica CW-STED demonstration late August-early Sept to get more data for the proposals), but:

Fluorescence nanoscopes are hot!

Stop buying confocal microscopes (unless they are the chassis for a nanoscope). Don't let your friend and neighbors and colleagues waste their money on just another confocal for cellular imaging. For latest example - Last week's latest fluorescence nanoscope paper - see fig S1 C vs D of http://www.pnas.org/content/suppl/2011/07/28/1107553108.DCSupplemental/pnas.201107553SI.pdf (for Fig 1 b vs c in main paper).
I am not claiming confocal and multiphoton fluorescence is dead - just that purchases should be limited to applications that are appropriate, such as http://www.pnas.org/content/108/31/12863.long
from my colleagues, which includes a nice method for efficient in vivo immunophenotyping。


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