bias:the difference between the mean of its sampling distribution and the true value of the parameter;
bootstrap estimate of bias:the difference between themean of the bootstrap estimate of bias distribution and the value of the statistic in the original sample。Small bias means that the bootstrap distribution is centered at the statistic of the original sample and suggests that the sampling distribution of the statistic is centered at the population parameter.
Trimmed mean的含义:
A trimmed mean is the mean of only the center observations in a data set. In particular, the 25% trimmed mean x25% ignores the smallest 25% and the largest 25% of the observations. It is the mean of the
当重采样次数很大时,来自同一个样本分布的bootstrap分布基本上相同。然而,bootstrap分布受到样本的影响很大,特别是样本量很小时,bootstrap分布会差异较大,这种情况下从bootstrap分布更多反映的是样本的特征,而不是样本分布,根据它得到的总体分布的推论需要注意。此外,bootstrap的方法不太适合用来计算中位数或者分位数的分布,除非样本很大。(Unless you have expert advice or undertake further study, avoid bootstrapping the median and quartiles unless your sample is rather large)
参考自:Bootstrap Methods and Permutation Tests by Tim Hesterberg et al.