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分享PLOS ONE投稿经历:low back pain的论文

已有 33789 次阅读 2012-12-22 11:52 |系统分类:科研笔记| SCI, PLoS, One, 投稿经历

本人也终于在PLOS ONE发表了第一篇论文,其中的辛酸或许只有自己知道吧!O(∩_∩)O~
论文的题目是:A Meta-Analysis of Core Stability Exercise versus General Exercise for Chronic Low Back Pain。
PLOS ONE论文的地址:http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0052082
Received: May 15, 2012; Accepted: November 8, 2012; Published: December 17, 2012 (从投稿至刊登历经7个月,2011年8月份着手准备的,从准备到刊登大概耗时16个月。)
一、仔细阅读PLOS ONE Guidelines
   其实每个杂志都有自己的格式及喜好,所以在投稿前,一定要看他们写的投稿指南,因为里面包括了各种详细的信息:Why Publish with PLOS ONEPLOS ONE Publication Criteria;PLOS ONE Editorial Policies;PLOS ONE Manuscript Guidelines;Guidelines for Figure and Table Preparation等。
二、注册PLOS ONE账号:
2012年5月11日成功在PLOS ONE注册了账号:
Dear Mr. XXXXX,
Thank you for registering for the Editorial Manager online submission and peer review tracking system for PLoS ONE.
Here is your username and confidential password, which you need to access the Editorial Manager at http://pone.edmgr.com/.
Your username is: XXXX
Your password is: XXXX
Dear XXX,
This is an automatic email.  
The PDF for your submission, "A meta-analysis of core stability exercise versus general exercise for chronic low back pain" has been built.  If you have not already done so, please review your manuscript and approve your PDF to complete your submission at http://pone.edmgr.com/.
Dear Mr.,
Your submission entitled "A meta-analysis of core stability exercise versus general exercise for chronic low back pain" has been received by PLoS ONE. You will be able to check on the progress of your paper by logging on to Editorial Manager as an author.  The URL is http://pone.edmgr.com/.
Your manuscript will be given a reference number once an Editor has been assigned.
Dear Mr.,              
We received your Research Article entitled "A meta-analysis of core stability exercise versus general exercise for chronic low back pain" by XXX.
Your manuscript has been assigned the manuscript number: PONE-D-12-13827.
五、将近等了三个月,2012年8月3号终于等来了“PLOS ONE Decision”。让我非常高兴的是,编辑部给的意见是“小修”(Minor Revision),这让欢喜若狂,并且两个审稿人给的意见都是非常肯定的comment,下面是编辑部的邮件:
Dear Mr.,
Thank you for submitting your manuscript for review to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that your manuscript will likely be suitable for publication if it is revised to address the points below. Therefore, my decision is "Minor Revision."
We invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the following points:
Please pay overall attention to the language formatting and grammar and ask a native English speaker to review the final manuscript.
We encourage you to submit your revision within forty-five days of the date of this decision.

Reviewers' comments:
Reviewer #1:
This report is very well written. The authors performed a very important task, pointing out the lack of evidence to assess core stability exercise versus general exercise for chronic low back pain.
Reviewer #2:
Thanks for the opportunity to review such interesting paper.  The topic is significant and relevant to Journal of PLoS ONE and this is a well-designed study and well-written paper.   I have read with interest the manuscript and recommend publication after some minor corrections to improve the manuscript.
六、我仔细按照审稿人的要求逐一进行修改,并且找了国外的一家润色公司,帮忙润色语言,当然也让我澳洲的朋友帮忙看看英语的语法等问题。2012年8月15日把修改稿上传到PLOS ONE编辑部。
七、结果又是漫长的等待,2012年10月7日鼓足勇气向PLOS ONE发了封催稿信,询问稿件的状态,说自己要急着刊登,敬请谅解之类的话,后来编辑部给回信说:编辑正在找其他的两个人来审这篇论文,我一直以为第二次审稿应该是之前的那两个审稿人呢!好吧,就接着等呗,寻找另外两个审稿人也好啊。
八、2012年11月8日等来了PLOS ONE的accept的邮件,再次的狂喜。
Dear Mr.,
I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE.
PLOS ONE Decision: Accept

Dear XXX,

 Congratulations! Your paper entitled “A Meta-Analysis of Core Stability Exercise Versus General Exercise for Chronic Low Back Pain” was recently published in PLOS ONE and is available online at http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0052082.



上一篇:physical activity和exercise 的区别?
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