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Nature News: 丹麦名女科学家因科研基金不当使用被解职 精选

已有 12532 次阅读 2011-3-8 09:06 |个人分类:憨眼看世界|系统分类:博客资讯| 基金, 科学家, office, style, 丹麦



这位1973年出生的美女科学家Milena Penkowa,正教授,被认为是“high-profile neuroscientist”(声名显赫) “Elite”(精英),因为“花费不当”(misspending)折翼。不当了使用了多少?相当于5200美元,3.4万人民币。这在俺们那旮瘩,这算多大个事啊,又是MM科学家,那得多少人罩着啊。所在哥本哈根大学把相当于37.5万美元的基金返还给基金会,并把她开除了。





Danish neuroscientist convicted of embezzling society funds - March 07, 2011


Something’s rotten in the state of Danish research. A high-profile neuroscientist, Milena Penkowa, has received a 3-month suspended sentence for embezzling 28,000 Danish kroner (about US$5200), while treasurer of the Danish Society for Neuroscience.


In January, Nature reported that some of Penkowa’s research on brain repair mechanisms was being investigated for potential fraud by the Danish government’s Committee on Scientific Dishonesty. She was also suspected of misspending a grant from a private charity, the IMK General Fund, on expenses not described in the grant application. The University of Copenhagen, where she was a full professor, repaid IMK roughly 2 million kroner (about $375,000). She is no longer employed by the University of Copenhagen.


Penkowa was convicted of misspending the Neuroscience Society funds and sentenced in December 2010. But the conviction was not made public, pending appeal. Penkowa has now withdrawn her appeal, the Copenhagen Post and other Danish newspapers report today.


Penkowa’s troubles may not end here. The neuroscientist, who was recognized as an elite young researcher by the Danish government in 2009, is facing a second criminal case, according to Copenhagen Post. The University of Copenhagen has also accused her of fraud on her doctoral thesis.



A member of her first thesis committee, Per Soelberg Sørensen, previously told Nature that the committee rejected her thesis, in part, because she claimed to have performed experiments on around 1700 rats over several months. More than 200 Danish scientists have signed a petition calling for a complete investigation into Penkowa's case.


上一篇:Nature News: 德国一首席麻醉学家被确认有学术不端,被开除
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