寻正治学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/fs007 欢迎腾讯微博联系:寻正(xunzhengxz)



已有 7459 次阅读 2011-8-26 08:01 |个人分类:伪劣科普打假|系统分类:人物纪事| 剽窃, 方舟子, 陶圆清, Yuanqing


【寻正按:Yuanqing Tao真名为韬垣清,他于2011年8月21-22日冒充“英国学者”从伯明翰大学发信给Root-Bernstein辩护,我将他加入讨论组,他拒绝并出言无状,最终我表示会向伯明翰大学揭发要求取消他的电邮。我的公开信导致了韬垣清的爆发,他两次向我发出人身威胁。我已循正式渠道报警。在人身威胁信中,韬先生给出了其工作电邮,还包括一系列的工作单位信息(Archfield)。我向Archfield举报,该公司表示韬先生不是他们的雇员,而是外面的以前的顾问。该公司删除了他在Archfield的电邮账号。韬先生另外再注册账号,跟我私下沟通,表示他此前的威胁只是玩笑。鉴于私下的沟通并无冲突,我已表明不再继续攻击爆光他的事情。在这里加注说明,给此事添上句号。】

我向英国的陶圆清(Yuanqing Tao)发出公开信,要求他就造谣诽谤信件道歉,引爆了该粉丝的骂街欲望,不顾讨方论坛的众多专家在场,粗口频出,咱们有时间再把此人的中式骂街译给外国人听,这可不简单的工作,实在不行,只能用谷哥帮忙,不管外国人听不听得懂。



Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:05 PM

Dear All

For the respect reason, I officially used my former academic email address to try to communicate with Dr. Root-Bernstein initially. But now it appears that somebody has invaded Dr. Root-Bernstein's email account so that I have never got any responses directly from Root-Bernstein himself. Instead, my academic email address got heaps of junk emails full of threatening and slandering words from those invaders.

Therefore, firstly, in the circumstance that the threateners and slanders seem not to intend to stop their spams to me, to the network administrator now I have to apologize for having brought those junk load to your servers. I will delete them ASAP and block them ASAP, and no longer use that email to chat with any of those spammers from now. My academic address is only for Dr. Root-Bernstein who deserves such respect in our original discussion topic.

Secondly, I open my real identity. I was working for Archfield, a M&A company in London, as an Forex and Energy Analyst. Welcome any Chinese SB who think I'm a coward and legal illiterate to formally chat with me. My company address:  tao.yuanqing@archfield.co.uk

Somebody, if you have enough malefic power to be able to force Archfield to expel me, you are the hero, then I have to fly to the U.S to chat with you in your face, that is all the plan you want in your style, right?Yes, it is.

The following is to Chinese guys:

相信有正义感的人已经发现,我对Junlin Liao这种极具精神病特征的人忍耐已经很大.

名单里的中国人 你们这么自己天天内讧简直就是明亡的翻版 幸亏没让你们这些人掌了国内的权. 天天给我写骚扰信的人你听着, 我宁肯天天和老婆孩子躺着看太阳, 也没空看你们一个字. 方舟子对你们根本不理是正确的, 明知没有结果, 你个大老爷们天天闲着就不能干点别的嘛??  教育我 教我法律 你凭什么. 凭磨叽牙? 来吧 从殖民地飞过来, 见识见识正宗的common law也好. UK harassment act 1997 你在我明令要求停止骚扰的情况下 持续且表明不会中断地对我进行骚扰 且给我带来严重的身心不愉悦 所有证据我全都打印 律师我公司现成的 我全都委托咨询好 外请都不用 你快来, 你他妈不来是孬种!!!!!!!

 tao.yuanqing@archfield.co.uk 来吧尽管来吧 让我公司灭了我吧 不就你的愿望嘛? 你不是说没人敢公开信息嘛 我看看你有什么本事. 这是我公司的投诉邮箱: complaint@archfield.co.uk HR的邮箱: hr@archfield.co.uk 想比谁能量大是嘛, , 尽管来, 一点也别客气, 最好倾家荡产地来.

我公开一切, 我静等你玩死我.

,记住做人做事像个爷们一样.谁他妈威胁你侮辱你了? 你谁啊你? 一个小会计 你配嘛? 我根本就不认识你. 你想挑战我的极限 也得看看我有没有空! 我忙项目没空现在, 所以井水不犯河水, 你要硬想逼人跳墙, 你就等我忙完项目 再等我一个星期. 我陪你玩到底!!

听着 shut up, 最后一次. 我们网上对话不会有任何结果, 所以我建议双方闭嘴. 你先死皮赖脸无理取闹没事找事不自重,  就别怪别人不自重. 这事如果真是个学生, 没准还真让你吓唬过去. 你倒霉碰上我, 我跑项目丢妻弃子能跑中东, 我他妈不要命的种!!!. 你可以请恐怖分子把我公司炸了, 然后陷害说我干的, 让我立刻滚蛋, 来吧来吧.你就这么想的,不用谦虚. 我已经彻底见识了你死皮赖脸的本事.

什么也不用说了, 要么你直接来找我, 我们法庭见 希斯罗terminal 1候着你; 要么我项目忙完去找你, 但我可懒得叫传票, 因为我对殖民地的common law存有疑虑, 咱们只当面谈谈就好. 你不就一小会计吗, 金融同行,交流心得,是我的最爱. 我认为除了以上两种办法, 任何其他办法试图解决问题都是扯淡.

好了, 歇吧. 你要是没事, 闲的蛋疼, 就去那个婚恋网站逛逛,http://www.jiayuan.com/ ; 你要是已结婚, 我为你这么唐僧感到透心凉地悲哀.


Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:15 PM

Dear All,

For the respect reason, I officially used my former academic email address to try to communicate with Dr. Root-Bernstein initially. But now it appears that somebody has invaded Dr. Root-Bernstein's email account so that I have never got any responses directly from Root-Bernstein himself. Instead, my academic email address got heaps of junk emails full of threatening and slandering words from those invaders.

Therefore, firstly, in the circumstance that the threateners and slanders seem not to intend to stop their  spams to me, to the network administrator now I have to apologize for having brought those junk load to your servers. I will delete them ASAP and block them ASAP, and no longer use this email to chat with any of those spammers from now. My academic address is only for Dr. Root-Bernstein who deserves such respect in our original discussion topic.

Secondly, I open my real identity. I was working for Archfield Corp. as an Forex and Energy Analyst. Welcome any Chinese SB who think I'm a coward and legal illiterate to formally chat with me. My company address: tao.yuanqing@archfield.co.uk


If you have enough malefic power to be able to force Archfield to expel me, you are a hero, then I have to fly to the U.S to chat with you in your face. That's all the plan you want in your style. Yes, it is.

The following is to Chinese guys:



名单里的中国人 你们这么自己天天内讧简直就是明亡的翻版
幸亏没让你们这些人掌了国内的权. 天天给我写骚扰信的人你听着,

我天天和老婆孩子躺着看太阳, 也没空看你们一个字.
方舟子对你们根本不理是正确的, 明知没有结果,
你个大老爷们天天闲着就不能干点别的嘛??  教育我 教我法律 你凭什么.
凭磨叽牙? 来吧 从殖民地飞过来, 见识见识正宗的common law也好. UK harassment
act 1997
你在我明令要求停止骚扰的情况下 持续且表明不会中断地对我进行骚扰

且给我带来严重的身心不愉悦 所有证据我全都打印 律师我公司就有

我全都委托咨询好 外请都不用 你快来, 你他妈不来是孬种!!!!!!!

来吧尽管来吧 让我公司灭了我吧
不就你的愿望嘛? 你不是说没人敢公开信息嘛 我看看你有什么本事.
这是我公司的投诉邮箱: complaint@archfield.co.uk HR的邮箱:

我公开一切, 我静等你玩死我.

,记住做人做事像个爷们一样.谁他妈威胁你侮辱你了? 你谁啊你? 一个小会计
你配嘛? 我根本就不认识你. 你想挑战我的极限 也得看看我有没有空!

我忙项目没空现在, 所以井水不犯河水, 你想逼人跳墙, 你就继续.

听着 shut up, 最后一次. 我们网上对话不会有任何结果, 所以我建议双方闭嘴.

你先死皮赖脸不自重说我怕你,  就别怪别人不自重. 这事如果真是个学生,
没准还真让你吓唬过去了. 你倒霉碰上我, 我跑项目丢妻弃子能跑中东,
我他妈不要命. 你可以请恐怖分子把我公司炸了, 然后陷害说我干的,
让我立刻滚蛋, 来吧来吧.你就这么想的,不用谦虚.
我已经彻底见识了你死皮赖脸的本事. 什么也不用说了, 要不你直接来找我,
我们法庭见, 要不我项目忙完去找你, 但我可懒得叫传票, 因为我对殖民地的common

law存有疑虑, 咱们只当面谈谈就好. 你不就一小会计吗,

3) 意犹未尽:

Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 8:14 AM

各位懂中国字的同胞, 刚我一朋友说廖俊林在科学网发给我公开信, 傻逼哄哄地指责我胆小怕事试图逃避, 指责伯明翰大学纵容我. 我实在忍无可忍此人脑残之程度. 本人半年前曾在伯明翰大学培训半年, 我很尊敬那段学术经历, 也很尊敬地用以前的学术邮箱给Dr. Root-Bernstein发信, 从不想用学术邮箱和任何无关等人吵架, 觉得是种侮辱, 加上最近有项目忙, 所以懒得回他. 可此货觉得我怕他了! 昨天我已发邮件正式公开自己的身份, 我日常办公地址, 办公邮件, 公司举报邮件, HR邮件全都提供, 你敢嘛廖俊林, 告诉我你工作地址, 你他妈试试我能不能 敢不敢上门找到你 我他妈一巴掌扇死你个发垃圾邮件没教养的东西


此邮件是我特意为激怒此傻逼博士准备的, 以免他没有借口向我公司举报我有侮辱人格历史.


tao.yuanqing@archfield.co.uk 来吧尽管来吧 让我公司灭了我吧

不就你的愿望嘛? 你不是说没人敢公开信息嘛 我看看你有什么本事 看你能量大还是我大

这是我公司的投诉邮箱: complaint@archfield.co.uk HR的邮箱:


我终于明白挺方的人为什么很多人不敢公开身份,被这种无赖缠着,是个人都得烦死. 我完全公开, 你想打官司,我陪你; 你想玩花样,我陪你; 你要是干会计工资少请不起律师, 我给你; 你要是感觉诋毁方的力量太小, 我公司就是风投. 来吧来吧, 你他妈真以为人人都怕被你烦是嘛???老子我有的是时间, 但他妈不是现在!!!你给我听好了, 我现在忙, 十天后 手头这个项目搞定后, 老子陪着你往死里玩. 真他妈以为全世界没人治得了你个死皮赖脸的货吗!! 在家等着吧, 咱们笔友这么久了, 一个月内一定找你当面叙叙旧~.


tao.yuanqing@archfield.co.uk 来吧尽管来吧 让我公司灭了我吧 让我公司炒掉我吧

这不就你的愿望嘛? 你不是说没人敢公开信息嘛 我看看你有什么本事.

这是我公司的投诉邮箱: complaint@archfield.co.uk HR的邮箱:


对了三个月后我们很可能还有一个去剑桥大学的培训 你他妈尽管去剑桥发匿名信说Yuanqing Tao品德败坏 看看他们到底要钱 还是听你个傻逼.


听好了, 世界能治你的人很多, 别人不想治你, 是懒得弹你, 不是怕你. 傻逼货.


此邮件只针对死皮赖脸 在屡次劝阻屡次警告后 仍发恶意骚扰邮件 已严重触犯英国法律的廖俊林. 此邮件专门写来, 为廖俊林到我公司举报我利用公司邮箱发送侮辱人格的言语做证词. 你他妈有种就把我搞下岗, 我让你一回合,让你先搞, 你要是没搞成, 谁也别怨, 就轮到我了.


老方,及各位身在海外 善良而闷不作声却被欺负的人们, hold on. 抄袭一事已完全不在此事讨论范围, 他接二连三死皮赖脸的德行让我彻底见识了方黑群体的素养.


好了, 歇吧. 我忙, 滚蛋.


Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 6:20 PM

Dear Yuanqing Tao,

Thank you for your candidness to reveal your identity and offer the email address of your HR department. I am sorry to see your explosion from simply demanding an apology. Dr. Root-Bernstein demanded Dr. Fang an apology for his misconduct. I was insulted by his supporters all the time and often I was asked why we had a goal of his death. Now you invited yourself into this debate and slandered many members of this forum. I tried to reason with you why you cannot excuse yourself from the rest of the debate. You gave me death threat over a simple request of apology?

It looks like I do not need to wait until the date I set in my open letter to take actions. But I will wait anyway.

You need to calm down. Even if I disgust at Dr. Fang’s underhandedness, I seek no destroying of him. My motive is social justice and academic integrity. I only expose him where he deserves such exposure. As for you, I seek no revenge of your insults either. I have long been used to such insults from Dr. Fang and your likes. Again, I seek appropriate retribution for inappropriate behavior, not destroying you in any measurable way.

You had misled us to believe that you had some relationship with the University of Birmingham. Therefore I was lenient toward your behavior. Now with that cleared up, I will require you to take full responsibility of your actions. In your letters, you tried to mislead people to believe that we had harassed you and you had received other harassing emails from me or others that you termed as “scam”. No, we don’t send “private” emails for this public debate like Dr. Fang and his supporters (including you) have been trying to do. Any actions we take, they are open and not behind your back. Any actions I take, you will know at the same time if not before they happen.

Oversea Chinese work hard and I have no agenda to risk your job. I consider your slandering defamation letters grossly inappropriate. The email services sending your letters are bounded by law to be liable for your actions. It happened to be the University of Birmingham. Don’t get me wrong there. I will do the same for any email services you are using, be it private or public. You have essentially violated the email use policies of those services. I am in a position to inform.

London is the defamation litigation capital of the world. If we challenge you legally, we are very likely to win. But no, as I have stated earlier, we have better things to do. It will satisfy me if you give us an apology we deserve or we simply report you to your service providers and let them decide if they should discipline you. It is possible that your service providers do not take any actions. As I have stated earlier, I’m not in a revenge mode. When I report plagiarism to academic journals, I almost never check back with them about the final outcome. I’m a modest person. My duty is to inform.

You set a perfect example of a typical fan of Dr. Fang. I thank you for this and I am glad I made a perfect sensible decision to keep you in this forum.


Junlin Liao, Ph.D.


上一篇:致伯明翰大学陶圆清(Yuanqing Tao)公开信
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