话说前两回投稿被判死刑我们均上诉成功了,这回运气没那么好了。这次拒绝我们文章的是德国杂志 Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology。该杂志历史悠久有百岁年龄了,在眼科界特别是欧洲比较有影响。它发表过不少高水平的文章,当然也免不了发了些烂东西。
源起是该杂志去年发表的一篇文章:Measurement of PO2 during vitrectomy for central retinal vein occlusion, a pilot study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2009 Aug;247(8):1019-23。在这篇文章中,德国的作者在病人接受玻璃体切割术时用 Licox oxygen electrodes 测量其玻璃体腔的含氧浓度,共有12例病人接受了测试。得出其中一个结论是靠近视网膜(有血管网)的部位含氧量低于玻璃体中央(无血管区)。换句话说,无氧供来源的玻璃体中央氧浓度大于含丰富供氧的近视网膜区域。读到这个结论大家都呼这怎么可能?理论上这个结果不合逻辑,不符合基本物理和生理原理,这也与我们2005发现玻璃体中央含氧量较低正好相反。
不能说别人研究结果与我们不一致就说别人错了,带着疑问,我给通讯作者写了email,想请教几个实验中的简单问题,可惜连发两次都没有回复。接着我们碰到同领域几个朋友开会或来信询问这篇文章的结果,都表示了不解和担心。最终让我们不得不认真对待这个问题一个主要原因是这篇文章是一项先期人体研究 (pilot study),所谓 pilot study指在正式大规模研究开始前进行的小样本实验,以了解该研究的可行性和需要改进的地方。先期实验如果有问题,应该在正式研究开始前尽早纠正以免错上加错甚至加害于病人。
这个pilot study需要纠错,需要在正式大规模研究开始前纠错!因为作者测量部位是靠近视网膜以及玻璃体中央,要知道Licox Probe根本无法测到视网膜周围的氧浓度,因为其探针顶部到氧感受器距离是6mm,头部接近视网膜但身子(测氧部位)在6mm之外的玻璃体中央,而又长又粗的Licox Probe在视网膜周围除了使病人冒极大风险外一无是处。从作者发表成文情况看他们显然没有意识到这个课题的错误设计。我们文章的题目为Comparison of a polarographic electrode and a fiber-optic sensor for determining intraocular oxygen tension。此文是针对作者的原文以及对同类研究感兴趣的科学家给予的回答。考虑到原文发表在 Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology上,出于哪里来哪里去,哪里错哪里改的善意,我们也投稿于同样杂志。
...We sent it to your journal because it directly addressed the findings of an article published in Graefe's Archiv last year. We felt that publishing in the same journal was the most appropriate way to address the deficiencies that we found in that earlier work.
The study to which we are referring reported oxygen levels in the human eye that were much larger than those detected previously and oxygen gradients that were in the opposite direction than those found in previous studies. The authors incorrectly stated the opposite. In addition, the electrode used in those studies was, as we showed, not suitable for use in humans and might put patients at risk. Our paper addresses these discrepancies in respectful manner and provides a possible explanation for them. The original study was termed by its authors a "pilot" study. We certainly would not want to see a similar study extended to a larger group of patients.
We feel that these issues are sufficiently important, from a scientific and ethical perspective, to be published in Graefe's Archiv...