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博凯数学数字图书馆目录8 代数几何与Riemann曲面

已有 7771 次阅读 2010-6-2 18:15 |个人分类:博凯数学数字图书馆|系统分类:论文交流

博凯数学数字图书馆目录8 代数几何与Riemann曲面 
A Foundations of Algebraic Geometry Weil
A second course in algebraic geometry 0syzygies
Algebraic functions and projective curves Goldschmidt
Algebraic geometry 1,2,3 Ueno
Algebraic Geometry  A First Course Harris
Algebraic Geometry  Bump
Algebraic Geometry  Milne
Algebraic Geometry An Introduction Algebraic Varieties
Algebraic geometry an introduction Iitaka
Algebraic geometry an introduction Perrin D
Algebraic Geometry and Analytic Geometry
Algebraic geometry and arithmetic curves Liu Q
Algebraic geometry for associative algebras Oystaeyen
Algebraic Geometry for Scientists and Engineers
Algebraic geometry I.. complex projective varieties Mumford
Algebraic geometry I-V Shafarevich
Algebraic Geometry Miyanishi
Algebraic Geometry. Open problems Ciliberto
Algebraic projective geometry Semple,Kneebone
An Algebraic Introduction to Complex Projectiv
An Invitation to Algebraic Geometry Smith
Arithmetic algebraic geometry
Arithmetic Geometry Cornell, Silverman
Arithmetic Geometry
Basic Algebraic Geometry 1, Shafarevich
Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 Shafarevich
Cohomology of Quotients in Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry Kirwan
Combinatorial convexity and algebraic geometry GTM 168-Ewald
Commutative algebra, with a view toward algebraic geometry
Complex Algebraic Geometry
Complex analytic and algebraic geometry
Convex Bodies and Algebraic Geometry an introduction  Oda
Current Topics in Complex Algebraic Geometry
Draft notes on algebraic geometry Mumford
Eelements of algebraic geometry  Artin E
Elements de geometrie algebrique I
Elements de geometrie algebrique II
Elements de geométrie algebrique III-2
Elements de geométrie algebrique III
Elements de geometrie algebrique IV-2
Elements de geométrie algebrique IV-1
Enumerative Invariants in Algebraic Geometry String Theory Abramovich
Fundamental algebraic geometry Grothendieck's FGA explained
Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry 1 Voisin
Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry 2 Voisin
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry B. Hassett
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry J. G. Semple, L. Roth
Introduction To Algebraic Geometry Lang
Introduction to algebraic geometry Mumford
Introduction to algebraic geometry Semple
Lectures on  Algebraic Geometry I Harder
Lectures on Algebraic Geometry, 1 Sheaves, Milne
Lectures on Logarithmic Algebraic Geometry Ogus
Lectures on the k-functor on algebraic geometry Manin
Lectures on Theta II, Jacobian theta functions Mumford
Lectures on Theta III  Mumford,Nori,Norman
Methods of algebraic geometry vol.1 Hodge, Pedoe
Methods of Algebraic Geometry Volume 2
Methods of algebraic geometry, vol.3 Hodge,Pedoe
Mirror symmetry and algebraic geometry Cox
Noncommutative algebraic geometry and representationsRosenberg
Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry Smith S P
Positivity in algebraic geometry Lazarsfeld
Principles of algebraic geometry Griffiths, Harris
Quadratic Forms with Applications to Algebraic Geometry and Topology
Real algebraic geometry Bochnak
Software for Algebraic Geometry Michael Stillman
The red book of varieties and schemes Mumford
Topics in Classical Algebraic Geometry Part I DOLGACHEV
Topics in Transcendental Algebraic Geometry Phillip A. Griffiths
Tropical Algebraic Geometry
Undergraduate algebraic geometry Reid
Using Algebraic Geometry David
Using Algebraic Geometry GTM 185-Cox D Little

A Scrapbook of Complex Curve Theory
Abelian varieties Van der Geer
ALGEBRAIC CURVES An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces Miranda
Algebraic Curves Walker
Algebraic Functions Bliss
Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles Friedman
Algebraic Surfaces Lucian Badescu
Algebraic surfaces Shafarevich
Algebraic surfaces Zariski
Algebraic varieties Kempf
An introduction to Riemann surfaces, Schlichenmaier
Arithmetical questions on algebraic varieties Segre
Birational geometry of algebraic varieties Kollar, Mori
Chapters on algebraic surfaces
Classification theory of algebraic varieties
Compact complex surfaces Barth,Peters,Van de Ven
Compact Riemann Surfaces Jost J
Complex algebraic curves Kirwan
Complex algebraic surfaces Beauville
Complex Algebraic Varieties
Complex Surfaces and Connected Sums of Complex Projective Planes
Curves and surfaces in computer aided geometric design Yamaguchi
Degenerations Of Algebraic Surfaces Persson
Focus on Curves and Surfaces Dempski
Geometric invariant theory Mumford, Fogarty
Geometric Theory of Algebraic Space Curves  Sathaye
Geometry of algebraic curves. vol1 Griffiths, Harris
Geometry of Higher Dimensional Algebraic VarietiesPeternell
Hardy Classes on Infinitely Connected Riemann Surfaces
Hilbert Theory of algebraic invariants
Integration of algebraic functions Trager
Introduction To Algebraic And Abelian FunctionsLang
Introduction to algebraic curves Griffiths
Introduction to Riemann Surfaces, Algebraic Schlichenmaier
Introduction to Riemann Surfaces
Iterated integrals and cycles on algebraic manifolds Harris
Lectures on curves on an algebraic surface Mumford
Lectures on Riemann surfaces Gunning
Lectures on vector bundles on Riemann surfaces Gunning
Moduli of abelian varieties and Dieudonne modules Jong
Moduli of Curves
Mumford. Abelian varieties Mumford
Plane Algebraic Curves
Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties
Riemann surfaces GTM 71-Farkas,Kra
Selected Papers On The Classification Of Varieties  Mumford
Singular Points of Plane Curves
Tata Lectures on Theta I David Mumford
Tata Lectures on Theta II Mumford
Tata Lectures on Theta III Mumford
The Classification Theorem for Compact Surfaces
Theta Constants, Riemann Surfaces and the Modular Group Hershel M. Farkas and Irwin Kra
Topics in the Theory of Riemann Surfaces Accola
Vector bundles on algebraic varieties
Vector Bundles on Complex Projective Spaces Okonek
Vertex algebras and algebraic curves Frenkel
Cohomology of quotients in symplectic and algebraic geometry Kirwan
Homology theory on algebraic varieties Wallace
Lectures on deformations of singularities Artin M
Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces Hiraku Nakajima
Lectures on moduli of curves Gieseker D
Topics in algebraic geometry and geometric modeling Goldman R. Krasauskas R
代数几何GTM052 Hartshorne
Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I
Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces
Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
EGA chap1,2,3 中文
On the Cohomology of Certain Non-Compact Shimura Varieties Sophie Morel
Algebraic curves Fulton W
Algebraic Curves. An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry Fulton
Algebraic geometry Bump D
Algebraic geometry Dieudonne
Algebraic geometry Miyanishi M
Algebraic homogeneous spaces and invariant theory Grosshans
Algebraic K-Theory Swan
Ample Subvarieties of Algebraic Varieties Hartshorne
Asymptotic Cyclic Cohomology Puschnigg
Cech Cohomological Dimensions for Commutative Rings Dobbs
Classification of Algebraic Varieties and Compact Complex Manifolds Popp
Cohomology of quotients in symplectic and algebraic geometry Kirwan
Complex algebraic geometry Yang K
Complex algebraic varieties Hulek K
Complexe cotangent et deformations I Illusie
Complexe cotangent et deformations II Illusie L
Conjectures in arithmetic algebraic geometry Hulsbergen
Cours de geometrie algebrique 2. Dieudonne J
Deformation, Quantification, Theorie de Lie Cattaneo
Degeneration of abelian varieties Faltings
Drinfeld modular curves Gekele
Enriques Surfaces I Cossec F., Dolgachev I
Etale Homotopy Artin
Families of Meromorphic Functions on Compact Riemann Surfaces Namba
Generalized Analytic Functions On Riemann Surfaces Rodin
Geometry of the Plane Cremona Maps Alberich-Carraminana
Grothendieck duality and base charge Conrad B
Lectures on algebraic geometry Harder G.
Hermitian K-Theory and Geometric Applications Bass
K-Theory, Arithmetic and Geometry Manin Yu.I
Pursuing stacks Grothendieck
Torus Embeddings and Applications (Tata Lectures 57) Oda
Rational Poin Faltings
Boundaries of Riemann Surfaces Kuramochi
Higher-dimensional algebraic geometry Debarre
Hilbert modular forms and Iwasawa theory Hida
La theorie de Fredholm Grothendiec
Real Algebraic Surfaces Silhol
Hilbert schemes of zero-dimensional subschemes of smooth varieties Gottsche
Le Cycles and Hypersurface Singularities Massey D.B
Residues and duality Hartshorne
Hodge cycles, motives, and Shimura varieties Deligne
Schubert varieties and degeneracy loci Fulton
Seminaire sur les Singularites des Surfaces Demazure
The Geometry of Some Special Arithmetic Quotients Hunt B
The hypoelliptic Laplacian and Ray-Singer metrics Bismut J.M., Lebeau G
The Local Langlands Conjecture for GL(2) Bushnell C
The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for unit F-crystals Emerton
Theory of mixed Hodge modules Saito
Theory of Q-varieties Matsusaka
Theta Functions on Riemann Surfaces Fay
Topics in algebraic geometry and geometric modeling Goldman R. Krasauskas R
Toroidal embeddings I Kempf G., Knudsen F., Mumford D., Saint-Donat
Toroidal Groups Line Bundles, Cohomology and Quasi-abelian Varieties Abe Y
Projective varieties and modular forms  Eichler M
Kodaira-Spencer Maps in Local Algebra Herzog B
Isolated Singular Points on Complete Intersections Looijenga E
Introduction to the theory of moduli Mumford D
Introduction to singularities and deformations Greuel
Introduction to Grothendieck duality theory Altman A
Introduction to algebraic geometry Ueno K
Introduction to algebraic geometry Drozd
Intersection theory Fulton
Homology theory on algebraic varieties Wallace
Homologie cyclique et K-theorie Karoubi M
Hodge Theory Cattani, Kaplan, Guillen, Puerta
Lectures on deformations of singularities Artin
Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces Hiraku Nakajima
Lectures on moduli of curves Gieseker
Lectures on the theory of algebraic functions of one variable Deuring
Moduli of Abelian Varieties Adler A., Ramanan
Moduli Theory and Classification Theory of Algebraic Varieties Popp
Non-complete Algebraic Surfaces Miyahishi M
On Riemann's theory of algebraic functions
On the Cohomology of Certain Non-Compact Shimura Varieties Sophie Morel
Compact Riemann Surfaces Narasimhan
Functionals of Finite Riemann Surfaces M. Schiffer, Donald C. Spencer
Riemann surfaces Lipman Bers
A Primer of Algebraic D-Modules
Abelian integrals Kempf
Abelian varieties and the Fourier transform Polishchuk
Algebraic Geometry 1 Schemes. With Examples and Exercises Ulrich G?rtz, Torsten Wedhorn 
An Introduction to Families, Deformations and Moduli   Balaji
Analytic theory of Abelian varieties Swinnerton-Dyer
Arithmetic duality theorems Milne
Calcul differentiel et classes caracteristiques en geometrie algebrique Angeniol
Faisceaux pervers (Asterisque 100 1982) Beilinson A., Bernstein J., Deligne
Mixed Motives
Elliptic functions and elliptic integrals Prasolov V., Solovyev
Lectures on tensor categories and modular functor Bakalov, Kirillov
Torsors and rational points Skorobogatov
Elliptic functions according to Eisenstein and Kronecker Weil A
Lectures on Deligne's proof of the Riemann hypothesis for varieties over Katz
Elliptic curves Robert
Lectures on an introduction to Grothendiecks theory of the fundamental group Murre
Toposes, Triples and Theories Barr M., Wells
Elliptic Cohomology Haynes R. Miller, Douglas C. Ravenel
Introduction to etale cohomology Tamme
The Smith conjecture Morgan J.W., Bass H
Elements of the Theory of Algebraic Curves seidenberg
Introduction to commutative algebra and algebraic geometry Kunz
Surveys in Contemporary Mathematics Nicholas Young, Yemon Choi
Rigid local systems Katz N.M
Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry  Dedicated to K. Kodaira
Grothendieck-Serre Correspondence Serre
Projective modules and complete intersections Mandal
Weil Conjectures, Perverse Sheaves and l'Adic Fourier Transform
Symmetries of Compact Riemann Surfaces Bujalance, Francisco Javier Cirre
Algebraic surfaces Chen 
An Introduction to Complex Algebraic Geometry Chris Peters
Analytic Methods in Algebraic Geometry
Capacity Theory on Algebraic Curves Rumely
Compact Right Topological Semigroups and Generalizations of Almost Junghenn, Milnes
Complex Analysis on Riemann Surfaces Curtis McMullen
Equivariant sheaves and functors Bernstein J., Lunts
Introduction To Algebraic Geometry And Algebraic Groups Demazure, Gabriel
Multiplier ideal sheaves and analytic methods in algebraic geometry
Proper Group Actions and the Baum-Connes Conjecture
Toposes, Triples and Theories Michael Barr
Elliptic Curves and Their Applications to Cryptography - An Introduction Andreas Enge
Generalizations of Thomae's Formula for Zn Curves
Shafarevich Maps and Automorphic Forms Janos Kollar
A Survey of the Hodge Conjecture James D. Lewis
Algebraic Automata Theory
Algebraic Cryptanalysis by Gregory V. Bard
Analytic Methods in Algebraic Geometry Demailly J-P
Langlands Correspondence for Loop Groups Edward Frenkel
Lectures on Curves, Surfaces and Projective Varieties
Simplicial Methods for Operads and Algebraic Geometry
Théorie de Hodge et géométrie algébrique complexe Claire Voisin
Operator Algebras and Non-Commutative Geometry III
Les D′ebuts d'une Formule des Traces Stables Langlands R. P.
Riemann Surfaces of Infinite Genus Knorrer Eugene Trubowitz Joel Feldman
Algebraic K-Theory and its Geometric Applications Moss,Thomas
Boundaries of Riemann Surfaces Kuramochi
Cohomological invariants in Galois cohomology Garibaldi,Merkurjev,Serre
Compatibility,stability,and sheaves  Bueso
Complex abelian varieties and theta functions
Gennady Lyubeznik Local cohomology and its applications Marcel Decker
Geometric Invariant Theory and Decorated Principal Bundles Alexander H. W. Schmitt
Geometric Theory of Algebraic Space Curves Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar
Holomorphic Q Classes Jie Xiao
Ideal theory Northcott
Introduction to toric varieties Fulton W.
Invariance and System Theory Algebraic and Geometric Aspects Tannenbaum
L'enseignement de la Geometrie Gustav Choquet
Lame equations with finite monodromy van der Waall
Liaison, Schottky Problem and Invariant Theory Remembering Federico Gaeta
Local cohomology and its applications Gennady Lyubeznik
Local Cohomology Hartshorne
Modular Invariant Theory
Perspectives on Projective Geometry
Rational points on homogeneous varieties and Equidistribution of Adelic periods
Theorem Resoltion Singularities Hironaka
Zeta functions,introduction to algebraic geometry Thomas
Theory of Association Schemes


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