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已有 2064 次阅读 2016-4-29 15:51 |系统分类:生活其它

东华大学上海国际时尚创意学院于2014年4月经国家教育部批准成立,并于同年9月起正式招生运行。学院以缔造国际一流时尚学科,引进国际一流教育体系, 汇聚国际一流教育师资, 培养国际一流创意人才为建设目标,通过时尚创意同城协同,构筑开放时尚教育平台,形成时尚之都国际时尚智库和制高点。现面向海内外公开招聘院长1名。学院详细信息,请登录http://scf.dhu.edu.cn/
1. 全面主持学院的教学、科研、队伍、学科建设、行政管理和国际合作工作。
2. 负责学院师资队伍建设,制定师资队伍建设规划,大力引进和培育高层次人才,加强创新团队建设,全面提升师资队伍水平。
3. 负责学院学科建设,制定学科发展规划,开展学位点建设工作,构筑开放时尚教育平台,形成时尚之都、国际时尚智库和制高点。
4. 组织专业建设和全英文课程教学实践工作,探索国际化顶级人才培养模式,培养具有创新能力的优秀人才。
5. 加强国际合作与交流,积极开展与境外知名大学及科研机构合作,拓展各类教育服务,推进学院国际化水平。
1. 具有良好的个人品质、职业道德、创新意识和团队精神。身体健康,年龄不超过50周岁,特别优秀者可适当放宽。
2. 具备担任院长所需要的组织领导能力、沟通协调能力和对外交往能力。  
3. 具有国际化的学术视野和优秀的英语交流沟通能力,有带领学院可持续发展、建设一流国际化学院的能力。
4. 国内应聘者应具有博士学位及正高级专业技术职务;国外应聘者应具有知名大学终身副教授及以上职位或国际知名研究机构研究员及相应职位。
5. 在时尚、材料、设计、传媒、商务等领域内具有较高的学术水平和国内外知名度,取得同行公认的学术成就,有较好的学术声誉,对相关学科领域的建设具有战略性构想和创新性思维。
2. 相关材料
3. 希望学校提供的工作、生活条件及其他需要说明的情况。
4. 个人对应聘岗位的工作设想、计划和要求。 
2、联系电话及联系人:86-21-67792260 李炜


Dean Recruitment for Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation
Donghua University (DHU), located in Shanghai, is one of the state-key universities directly under the Ministry of Education of China. Formerly known as East China Textile University, the institution was founded in 1951. In 1985, the university changed its name into China Textile University and in 1999, Donghua University. As a National Key University since 1960, DHU is among the first Chinese higher education institutions conferring Bachelor, Master and PhD level degrees. Over the past 65 years, the university has developed into a multiple-disciplined university with engineering in a predominant position and engineering, science, management and liberal arts in coordinated development, securing its unique place among the key universities in Project 211.
Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation (SCF), approved by the Ministry of Education of China in April 2014, is a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run educational institution, which started operation in September. SCF aims at constructing first-class fashion discipline, introducing first-class education system, bringing globally leading faculty and educating international leaders in fashion and the creative fields. With concerted effort from Fashion and Creative Industries in Shanghai, SCF is to construct the educational platform for Fashion students, and to establish an international think tank and commanding point for fashion. We are now recruiting globally for the Dean of SCF. For more details about the college, please refer to the website: http://scf.dhu.edu.cn/index_en.html 
I. Duties
1.Make major decisions concerning education, faculty team, research, discipline construction, administrative issues and international cooperation.
2.Plan for the overall construction of the academic team, recruit and cultivate high-level talents and build up an innovative academic team.
3.Plan for the development of the discipline, explore advanced and inter-disciplinary research. Construction of the educational platform for Fashion students and establishment of an international think tank and commanding point for fashion.
4.Establish the curriculum and practicum all in English and explore the international and innovative talent cultivation.
5.Strengthen the international cooperation and exchange, take an active part in the collaboration with well known universities and research institutions and promote the internationalization of the discipline.
II. Qualifications
1.Good health, personality, professional morality, innovative motion and team spirit, less than 50 years old, negotiable for very excellent candidates.
2.Capable of organization, communication and networking, with good leadership.  
3.Fluent in English and wide in horizon, capable of leading the school to a sustainable first-rate international higher education institution.
4.Applicant at home should have PhD degree and full professorship, while from abroad, should either possess the associate professorship and above or research fellowship and above at world renowned research institutions.
5.Well-established in the fields of fashion material, design, communications, and business at home and abroad, with good reputation, strategic and innovative thoughts.
III. Documents and Deadline 
The following documents shall be submitted by May 20, 2016.
1.Application Form
2.Other relevant documents
a.Curriculum vitae
b.Copy of ID card or passport, diploma, professional certificate, certificate of awards and honors, contracts, etc. Original documents are required at interview.
c.Teaching experience and publications in the past 5 years and copy of 5 representative articles.
d.Work statement of the administrative positions and major academic positions in the past 5 years.
3.Requirements on working and living conditions.
4.Plans for the prospective job and relevant requirements.
IV. Procedure
Preliminary selection, interview and medical examination etc will be conducted before the final decision is made. Formal interview notice will be issued to those who have passed the preliminary selection.
V. Salary  
To be negotiated.
VI. Contact information
Contact person: Ms. Wei LI  
Address: Office of High-level Talents  
Donghua University
2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang District
Shanghai, 201620
Telephone: ++86-21-67792260  


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