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已有 2062 次阅读 2020-5-20 16:23 |系统分类:生活其它


专业基础方面,医学院现有 “生物医学科学”本科专业,招生教学已进入常规;2019年3月已经正式获批临床医学, 第一届招生完毕,已经与2019年秋季开学。 智能医学等专业正在积极准备申报中。2019年6月10日南科大与伦敦国王学院签署南方科技大学-英国伦敦国王学院合作准备协议,将在南科大共同筹备设立联合医学院,在多个医学学科专业开展深层次教育合作,通过引进顶尖人才团队、聚焦学科融合创新,形成教育、科研和人才接力,培养一流医疗人才,强力推动深圳在教育、医疗卫生、生命健康等领域的发展,以国际一流的科研成果、医疗服务为粤港澳大湾区铸就国际一流竞争力作出贡献。

为实现上述目标,在南方科技大学的领导下, 医学院在首任院长邢明照的带领下,正在积极组建一个团结协作、蓬勃向上、积极进取的领导和工作团队。在待聘行政岗位中,这里面向海内外公开特招一名分管科研和研究生的副院长、一名分管本科和临床医学教学的副院长和一名分管行政管理副院长,诚邀海内外有兴趣的合格者前来应聘。




2.具有临床医学和基础医学双面教育、训练背景, 具有临床或基础相关专业博士学位,在本学科领域学术有较深造诣,取得国内外同行公认的学术成就,能够准确把握临床和基础医学科学及研究生培养发展的趋势,具备带领医学重点学科建设进入国内外前列的前瞻视野和优秀领导能力;

3.熟悉国内外科研基金申请、研究生教育管理系统, 积极开展与国内外顶尖大学及科研机构的科研和研究生教育合作,建立长期稳定的合作关系,聘期内显著提升学院学科水平和国内外影响力;












3. 有国内外医学教育相关管理经验者和医学教育学术成绩者(如发表医学教育相关作品或获相关奖项等)优先考虑;

4. 身心健康,建议年龄40-50岁,特别突出者可适当放宽;聘期内全职到岗工作,聘职归属教学系列, 全职负责教学管理和医学教育学术探索。












4.身心健康,建议年龄40-50岁,特别突出者可适当放宽;聘期内全职到岗工作,聘职归属行政管理系列, 全职负责医学院行政后勤管理。













应聘者请将应聘材料发至南方科技大学医学院招聘邮箱hr-med@sustech.edu.cn并请以“姓名+岗位”命名,我们会对材料进行严格保密。如有任何疑问欢迎随时咨询,电话:+86-0755-88018031 联系人:王老师

Global recruitment of Vice-Dean of research, Vice-Dean of teaching and Vice-Dean of administration for the SUSTech School of Medicine

The School of Medicine of the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is positioned as a Shenzhen-based internationalized high-level academic medical school with an outlook towards China and the wider world and with the integration of science, engineering, medicine and humanities. Its mission is to foster medical experts with international vision and proficiency. The planned enrolment is 2,000 students. Before the official completion and usage of the School’s Teaching and Research Building, the 5th floor of Building B and the nearby special site on campus was temporarily set up as the venue for teaching and research. The future School of Medicine Building will be located on the campus of the university. The proposed construction site is located on the east of the campus, in the valley north of the Dasha River. The proposed site has an area of 56,553 square meters. In accordance with the overall positioning and development goals of the School of Medicine, the construction will be in line with the needs of modern universities for teaching, research and social services, in order to facilitate the development of the discipline and enrolment. With the integrity and sustainability of campus functions, the school will fully reflect the integration of medicine, international vision and Chinese characteristics and will be forward-looking, international and digital.

In terms of professional foundation, the school now offers the undergraduate major in "biomedical science", in which admission and teaching is being conducted regularly. In March 2019, the major of clinical medicine was approved and the first admission has been conducted and students were enrolled in the autumn of 2019. Majors such as intelligent medicine are being submitted for approval. On June 10, 2019, SUSTech and Kings College London signed a joint preparation agreement, by which a joint medical school will be established in the SUSTech and the two sides will carry out in-depth educational cooperation in a number of medical disciplines. Through recruitment of top talents and focus on the integration of disciplines and innovations, education, research and personnel are connected to train first-class medical professionals and vigorously promote the development of Shenzhen in education, health care and life science. With first-class research outcomes and medical services in the world, the school will contribute to the international competitiveness of the Guangdong-Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area.

In order to achieve these goals, the school, under the guidance of SUSTech and the leadership of its first dean, Xing Mingzhao, is actively forming a united, cooperative and vigorous team. Among the open administrative positions, the school intends to recruit a vice-dean in charge of research and graduate programs, a vice-dean in charge of undergraduate programs and clinical medicine teaching, and a vice-dean in charge of administrative management. Qualified candidates from home and abroad can apply for these three positions.

I. Vice-Dean in charge of Research and Postgraduate Programs

(I) Recruitment qualifications

1. With enthusiasm for research management, higher education, medicine and health, good personal quality, lofty professional ethics and teamwork spirit, uprightness, professional seriousness, academic rigor, truth-seeking pragmatism, dedication, vigor and vitality, courage in work, strong organizational and management capability, innovative and strategic conception for research development and postgraduate training of the medical school;

2. With education and training background in clinical medicine and basic medicine, doctoral degree in clinical medicine or basic related majors, academic excellence in the discipline, academic achievements universally recognized by both domestic and foreign counterparts, accurate understanding of the development trends in clinical and basic medical science and postgraduate training, forward-looking vision and excellent leadership to lead key medical disciplines into the forefront at home and abroad;

3. Being familiar with the application for domestic and foreign research funds and postgraduate education management system; being able to actively carry out research and postgraduate education cooperation with top universities and research institutions at home and abroad, establish long-term and stable cooperative relations, and significantly enhance the academic level and influence of the school during the term of employment;

4. Being physically and mentally fit, aged 40-50 preferably (candidates beyond the age limit but with outstanding qualifications can also be considered); being able to work full-time. Candidates with previous experience in relevant research management at home or abroad are preferred.

(II) Job responsibilities (specifically subject to the signed agreement)

1. Under the leadership of the dean the School of Medicine, the vice-dean shall be fully in charge of the research and postgraduate management of the school, formulating strategic plans for research development and postgraduate education of the school and implementing such plans;

2. The vice-dean shall organize and apply for major domestic and foreign projects, actively apply for national/provincial/municipal research fund projects, key laboratories or platforms, strengthen the industry-university-research collaboration, promote cooperation with industries related to the discipline, so as to serve national and local medical development.

3. The vice-dean shall build a high-level faculty, vigorously introduce and cultivate high-level talents, strengthen research and postgraduate education team building, build a high-level innovative academic team, so as to form a faculty with belief, moral, knowledge, and benevolence;

4. The vice-dean shall actively carry out cooperation with top universities and research institutions at home and abroad, establish long-term and stable cooperative relations, and significantly enhance the academic level and influence of the school during the term of employment;

5. The vice-dean shall speed up the establishment and promotion of multi-level research and postgraduate training cooperation between the school and hospitals under or affiliated to SUSTech and the cooperative hospitals.

II. Vice-Dean in charge of teaching

(I) Recruitment qualifications

1. With enthusiasm for higher education, clinical medical education and health service, good personal quality, lofty professional ethics and teamwork spirit, uprightness, professional seriousness, academic rigor, truth-seeking pragmatism, dedication, vigor and vitality, courage in work, strong organizational and management capability, innovative and strategic conception for undergraduate teaching and clinical education development of the school;

2. With background of clinical education (MD) in a medical school, familiarity with higher education in medicine, clear thinking of running a school, familiarity with the characteristics, current situation and development trends of relevant disciplines, familiarity with the domestic medical education system and foreign clinical medical education, strategic thinking and in-depth insights on subject development, education and teaching, academic echelons, and an internationalized academic perspective;

3. With experience in management of medical education at home and abroad and academic achievements in medical education (e.g. publication of medical education-related papers or winning of related awards) preferably;

4. Being physically and mentally fit, aged 40-50 preferably (candidates beyond the age limit but with outstanding qualifications can also be considered), being able to work full-time, with full-time responsibility for teaching management and academic exploration in medical education.

(II) Job responsibilities

1. Under the leadership of the dean of the School of Medicine, the vice-dean shall be fully in charge of undergraduate programs and medical teaching and clinical training of the school, formulating strategic plans for the educational development for the relevant disciplines of the school and implementing such plans.

2. The vice-dean shall focus on discipline integration and innovation, promote medical education development and teaching reform in the school, innovate medical talent training model, improve the quality of training, foster outstanding talents with an international vision and strong professional capability and professional proficiency, so as to build a domestic high-end medical training institution;

3. The vice-dean shall build a high-level faculty, vigorously introduce and cultivate high-level teaching talents, strengthen team building, build a high-level innovative discipline team, so as to form a faculty with belief, moral, knowledge, and benevolence;

4. The vice-dean shall establish and promote multi-level teaching and clinical training cooperation with hospitals under or affiliated to SUSTech and cooperative hospitals and assist in the planning and design of the medical teaching functions of the building of the School of Medicine;

5. The vice-dean shall actively promote the preparation of the joint medical school project with Kings College London and promote in-depth educational cooperation in a number of medical disciplines.

III. Vice-Dean of Administration

(I) Recruitment qualifications

1. With enthusiasm for higher education and administration of the School of Medicine, good personal quality, lofty professional ethics and teamwork spirit, uprightness, professional seriousness, academic rigor, truth-seeking pragmatism, dedication, vigor and vitality, courage in work, strong administrative management capability, great enthusiasm and long-term vision for the administrative and logistical management in the School of Management;

2. With background in administration; being familiar with administrative systems and methods, the characteristics of professional administration in medical schools, the basic situation of personnel management, financial management and student management in domestic universities; with international perspective, strategic thinking and in-depth insights.

3. With long-term administrative experience in medical schools and universities at home and abroad preferably;

4. Being physically and mentally fit, aged 40-50 preferably (candidates beyond the age limit but with outstanding qualifications can also be considered), being able to work full-time; with full-time responsibility for administrative and logistical management for the school.

(II) Job responsibilities

1. Under the leadership of the dean of the School of Medicine, the vice-dean shall assist the dean in taking full responsibility for the administrative and student affairs of the school, be responsible for the implementation of the resolutions and regulations on administrative work. The vice-dean shall lead and manage the office of the school, handle and draft all kinds of documents, coordinate and arrange meetings within the school, and contact various administrative departments of the university. The vice-dean shall assist the dean of the school in handling external affairs.

2. The vice-dean shall be in charge of personnel management in accordance with SUSTech’s human resources management system, improve the school’s recruitment process of talents, collect recruitment needs, develop recruitment plans, and implement the recruitment and evaluation of talents. The vice-dean shall also be responsible for the coordination of the human resources of the school.

3. The vice-dean shall be responsible for administration, such as the allocation and management of fixed assets and the management of official documents. He or she shall be responsible for the management of official seals, organization and arrangement of meetings and related activities of the school, taking and organizing meeting minutes. The vice-dean shall also establish an effective communication mechanism with the functional departments of the university and understand relevant policies on a regular basis.

4. The vice-dean shall be in charge of logistics and infrastructure, coordination of all the logistical management of the school, and contact with the infrastructure departments for the construction of the building of the School of Medicine.

IV. Remunerations

1. The school will provide internationally competitive remunerations. The job responsibilities and specific remunerations of the recruited candidates shall be specified in contracts signed by the two sides.

V. Application documents

1. Resume; copies of the identification card or passport; copies of academic qualifications and diplomas;

2. Recommendation letters by three peer experts and the contact details of the recommenders;

3. List of research and teaching projects over the last five years, published papers, and award-winning outcomes; copies of research and teaching projects, as well as award-winning certificates;

4. Proof of employment at important positions at home and abroad.

Candidates shall send the application documents to the recruitment email of SUSTech School of Medicine: hr-med@sustech.edu.cn and the email shall be titled in the format of "Name + Post". We will strictly keep your documents confidential. For any questions, please contact us at tel: +86-0755-88018031 Contact: Ms. Wang


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